‘1923’ TV Show Pays Tribute to 32 Year Old Production Supervisor Who Tragically ‘Died Suddenly’


Last night, the popular ‘Yellowstone’ modern day western brought back it’s prequel spinoff series ‘1923’ for the second half of it’s season.  At the end of the program, they paid tribute to a fallen colleague, Derek Chavez.  Chavez passed away suddenly on January 12, 2023.  He was 32 and left behind a wife and two children.

While there is no official release on the cause of death, TheCinemaholic has reported that it is “apparently due to a heart attack.”

“Derek Chavez died on January 12, 2023, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Although sources revealed that Derek apparently died due to a heart attack, neither the Chavez family nor the ‘1923’ production team publicized the cause of his death.”

While the cause of death is unknown, Chavez was vaccinated on April 6, 2021 and then against sometime around April 29, 2021, according to his social media posts.

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At The Gateway Pundit, we are constantly publishing these Died Suddenly stories as they come out, especially when they are healthy athletes and young individuals.  Hopefully more of the families of these individuals will demand autopsy’s to figure out what caused an otherwise young and healthy individual to suddenly die.  It is not the individual’s fault for not knowing that these vaccines were not safe nor effective as promised by our “leaders,” however, they are ultimately the ones who pay the ultimate cost while the families are left shattered.  Our sincerest condolences go out to each and every one of them.  We will do our best to bring awareness.

Because hardly anyone in the mainstream will.

The data is glaringly obvious, but still we are force fed more promotions of these “vaccines.”  Last night, a satanic performance at the Grammys was brought to you by one of those companies.

Experts consistently and unforgivably continue to deny the proverbial elephant in the room.  OpenVaers has consistently updated the reported deaths and other chronic problems to their website since the roll out of these unapproved “vaccines”.  The chart below should warrant an investigation, especially considering, according to a Harvard study, only about 1-10% of vaccine deaths and injuries are reported to VAERS, the government’s method of tracking such injuries based on reports from doctors, hospitals and other individuals.

Our thoughts and prayers extend to the Chavez family and friends.  If you would like to support them, you can donate here.


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