Another Democrat Endorses Republican Lee Zeldin Over Democrat Kathy Hochul For NY Governor


On Thursday, lifelong New York Democrat Andrew Stein endorsed Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y. for NY Governor over Gov. Kathy Hochul. Zeldin was the sufferer of a horrific assassination attempt in July whereas campaigning.

Stein was a member of the New York State Meeting from 1969 to 1977 and borough president of Manhattan from 1978 to 1985.

In an opinion piece in the New York Post, Stein writes,

All through these 25 years, it was my sense that we — New York Democrats — had been capable of accomplish a unprecedented quantity vis-à-vis stabilizing our state’s funds, preventing crime and strengthening the criminal-justice system. We had been additionally capable of — when it manifested itself — root out corruption in state authorities and assault the challenges dealing with our state in a scientific manner, steadily on a bipartisan foundation.

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Sadly, that has all modified.

Tons of of 1000’s of New Yorkers have left the state, taking billions of {dollars} in tax income with them, placing our state vulnerable to a fiscal disaster.

We should do one thing about this.

Accordingly, I’m supporting Rep. Lee Zeldin, the Republican nominee for governor, in opposition to Gov. Kathy Hochul this November.

The outrageous taxation and anti-business insurance policies Hochul and Democrats within the Legislature imposed have led to the mass exodus of the state’s rich residents — and in flip, for this impending financial disaster.

The Post reported on Monday, that Democrat Councilman Robert Holden additionally endorsed Zeldin saying, “Simply take a look at the present situation of New York Metropolis and New York State: There’s mayhem in our streets, in our courts, in our jails.”

Holden and Stein be part of a rising record of New Yorkers fed up with Hochul’s failed management as New York suffers from large crime and a report variety of New Yorkers fleeing the state.

New Period Democrats President John Orlando, endorsed Zeldin in early September writing in the Post, “In actuality, crime and homelessness are rampant, the general public doesn’t really feel protected, and individuals are nervous about public transportation post-COVID. And the congestion-pricing plan will devastate an already-crippled taxi and for-hire-vehicle business struggling to get well. We can’t tax our manner again into restoration. Congestion pricing will have an effect on minimum-wage and working-class New Yorkers simply as harshly.”

Orlando was additionally troubled by Hochul’s comments to Republicans in August. Hochul instructed Trump supporters to get the hell out of New York. “We’re right here to say that the period of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – simply soar on a bus and head all the way down to Florida the place you belong. Get outta city.”

Zeldin has hammered Hochul full failure tackle crime in a latest advert.

Zeldin trails Hochul by only six points.


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