Department of Defense Dragged After ‘Woke’ Tweet Celebrating ‘Indigenous People’s Day’


The Department of Defense, having resolved all matters relating to the defense of our nation apparently, took a swipe at Christopher Columbus by celebrating ‘Indigenous People’s Day.’

The official Twitter account of the DOD made the woke declaration on Columbus Day, an official federal holiday since 1971.

“Native Americans have proudly worn our nation’s uniform in every one of our conflicts,” they wrote. “Today, we honor that legacy and celebrate the cultures, contributions and resilience of our Native peoples.”

It would have been a fine declaration in November, which is considered Native American Heritage Month.

Instead, they sullied Columbus Day for proud Italian Americans, and added the hashtag “#IndigenousPeoplesDay.”

RELATED: Kamala Harris Wants to Change Columbus Day to ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’

Department of Defense Celebrates ‘Indigenous People’s Day’

Not everybody was thrilled with seeing the Department of Defense change Columbus Day to ‘Indigenous People’s Day.’

“George A. Custer and Andrew Jackson disagree, you woke morons,” wrote political commentator John Cardillo.

“I can think of a conflict (where) Native Americans weren’t on the side of the US Army,” added Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec.

Posobiec later quipped, “Good thing no Italians have ever served in the US military.”

Several other followers pointed out some of the atrocities committed in conflicts with Native Americans by the United States army in history, while the bulk of the responses were simply pictures of Christopher Columbus and gentle reminders of what Monday’s holiday actually is.

RELATED: Christopher Columbus Continues To Be Under Assault From PC Liberals

Biden Celebrated ‘Indigenous People’s Day’ Last Year

The Department of Defense tweet continues a coordinated assault by politically correct liberals in the administration trying to rewrite history with woke hindsight.

President Biden formally recognized ‘Indigenous People’s Day’ last year by signing a proclamation stating that federal policies “systematically sought to assimilate and displace Native people and eradicate Native cultures.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, while running for president in 2020, voiced support for switching Columbus Day to ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day.’

When confronted about whether or not she’d support renaming the federal holiday, Harris excitedly responded, “Count me in on support.”

The man who discovered the Americas for the Spanish and kicked off settlement in the new world is thoroughly hated by the left.

And the Knights of Columbus couldn’t disagree with them more for their take on history.

“He was a man ahead of his time, who brought two worlds together and began the process that led to the founding of this country,” CEO of the Knights of Columbus, Carl Anderson, has explained.

“It is a testament to Americans’ commitment to a fair reading of history that the explorer’s popularity has endured despite the unfair and hateful attacks by British propagandists, the Ku Klux Klan, and revisionist academics,” he added.

On his Truth Social media platform, former President Donald Trump simply wrote, “BRING BACK COLUMBUS DAY!”

Former President Ronald Reagan, a man 1492 times the stature of Biden or Harris, once declared Columbus “one of the true heroes of our Nation’s history.”

“He is justly admired as a brilliant navigator, a fearless man of action, a visionary who opened the eyes of an older world to an entirely new one,” Reagan said in a 1981 proclamation.

“Above all, he personifies a view of the world that many see as quintessentially American: not merely optimistic, but scornful of the very notion of despair.”

During rioting in 2020, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shrugged off the destruction of a statue of Christopher Columbus that was toppled and rolled into Baltimore’s Inner Harbor by rioters.

“People will do what they do,” she said later adding, “if the community doesn’t want the statue there, the statue shouldn’t be there.”

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