WATCH: AOC Dances Awkwardly as Protesters Again Interrupt Town Hall With Chants of ‘AOC Has Got to Go’


Socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) responded rather awkwardly to a group of protesters at her latest town hall, dancing like an injured animal as the protesters chanted “AOC has got to go” and hiding backstage when the lights were turned off.

It’s the second time the far-left darling has had a local town hall meeting interrupted by hecklers in the past week.

It’s difficult to ascertain what the protesters are upset about, but their chants indicate they’d like to see the New York socialist get voted out of office.

Are they Republican supporters, as their signs suggest? Or are they leftist plants who are actually upset that AOC hasn’t been progressive enough for their tastes?

The episode earlier this week was left-wing protesters calling out her hypocrisy for funding the Biden administration’s intervention in the war in Ukraine.

Regardless, AOC’s reaction to the protesters was something we’ve never quite seen before.

RELATED: Video: AOC Gets Berated At Nearly-Empty Town Hall For Sending Billions To Ukraine, Pushing Country Toward Nuclear War

AOC Dances to Her Protesters Chants

At one point, protesters and supporters of Ocasio-Cortez began to grow rather heated, prompting somebody to turn the lights off in the room.

AOC shifted from dancing to scurrying in the blink of an eye.

The video shows her, arms crossed, tucked behind a curtain backstage.

“I’m not allowed to be in a room with the lights turned off,” she said upon returning. “It gets a little …”

It’s unclear who told her she wasn’t “allowed” or what kind of rule she claimed to be following.

AOC then tried to settle the crowd down shouting, “Listen, listen!”

The clip prompted viral comedian Alex Stein, who once described AOC as his favorite “big booty Latina,” to comment on the situation.

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The Protests Have Been Mounting

AOC has been the target of protesters twice now this week.

Hecklers at a town hall interrupted the far-left congresswoman for supporting Ukraine and pushing the country to the brink of nuclear war.

“You ran as an outsider! Yet, you’ve been voting to start this war in Ukraine,” one disgruntled constituent shouted. “Why are you playing with the lives of American citizens? You’re playing with our lives!”

Last May, Ocasio-Cortez revealed that she was in therapy to learn to cope with the “extraordinarily traumatizing” Capitol protest. Which might explain why she ran off when the lights went out.

And we won’t knock her for that so much, considering it’s unclear why the lights were turned off and she was confronted by a hostile situation.

But the dancing is Narcissist AOC at her best.

When protesters are demanding to have their voices heard, mocking them with an Elaine Benes dance is no way to show you actually care about the concerns of the people you represent.

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