Watch Barack Obama’s Powerful Ad For John Fetterman


Former President Barack Obama has done a series of radio and digital ads supporting U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman in Pennsylvania.

The ad:

Obama said in the digital ad:

In Pennsylvania, you’ve got some important choices to make this year, including who represents you in the U.S. Senate.

That’s why I’m asking you to vote for John Fetterman this election day, November 8th.

So when the fate of our democracy and a woman’s right to choose are on the line, I know John will fight for Pennsylvanians.

You can count on John Fetterman. Make sure he can count on you.

Vote Democrat on November 8th.

Obama has also done radio ads for Fetterman:

John has always cared about making our communities stronger. As mayor he worked to stop gun violence which helped lead to five years of zero gun deaths.

As Lieutenant Governor, John chairs the Board of Pardons and has helped people who were wrongfully convicted.

He’s fought to increase access to health care, bring jobs to Pennsylvania, and improve our classrooms.

So when the fate of our democracy and a woman’s right to choose are on the line, I know John will fight for Pennsylvanians, just like he always has.

Former President Obama won Pennsylvania twice and remains popular in the state. Republicans have no equivalent for their party who can make a pitch to Pennsylvania voters for Dr. Oz. If Republicans tried to feature Trump in a series of ads for Oz, the Republican candidate might actually lose votes.

The Fetterman campaign is deploying Obama at the right time. Pennsylvanians are mailing in their ballots right now. If the 2022 midterm is anything like 2020, more than one-third of Pennsylvania’s voters are voting right now.

Fetterman continues to lead in every poll but the last few weeks of the campaign are a critical time, and Barack Obama has arrived to try to help close the deal for Fetterman in Pennsylvania.

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