A Flailing Kevin McCarthy Attacks Biden Over Halloween Candy


Kevin McCarthy has found his big issue to close out the midterm election as he attacked President Biden over the cost of Halloween candy.


McCarthy said on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures, “The number one issue out there right now is the cost of living. You watch it in everything these families are struggling, from the price of gas to the grocery stores, and now we have Halloween coming, and with this Biden inflation candy is up 13%. So people want to see a real change, and — see a real change, and that’s exactly what we promote. We have a plan with the commitment to America, we’re very clear exactly what we’ll do if we’re trusted with getting the majority. It’s going to be competitive. No one gives you a majority, you have to earn it, and that’s what we’re out doing, earning it for the rest of the American people to make sure we put America back on a new track.”

Prices are a valid concern for every American, but McCarthy was trying to blame Biden without offering any specifics for why the President is responsible for the price of Halloween candy.

It would be nice if Kevin McCarthy and other Republicans would put forward their policy proposals for how they intend to lower inflation. America could use a serious policy discussion that features ideas from both sides of the aisle on handling the post-pandemic economic shock.

Republicans aren’t offering any policies to deal with inflation. Republican candidates have expressed a preference for dealing with inflation by cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans and corporations, cutting Social Security and Medicare while raising prescription drug prices.

Minority Leader McCarthy has promised Americans a change if Republicans win the House majority, but he doesn’t say if the majority of the country will like the sort of change he wants to deliver.

Instead of actual policies, Republicans continue to offer gimmicks like blaming Biden for the cost of Halloween candy. Instead of answers, McCarthy makes promises, and beneath it is empty rhetoric with no plan to tackle inflation.

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