The 1/6 Committee Is Interviewing The Secret Service Agents In Trump’s Motorcade


The 1/6 Committee is interviewing the Secret Service agents who were in Trump’s motorcade on the day of the Capitol attack.

CNN reported:

Friday’s interview, which has not been previously reported, is the fourth with Secret Service agents and officials in five days as the panel continues to expand its focus on the agency.

The rapid clip of interviews underscores the committee’s interest in learning what occurred after Trump left his rally at the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, and departed to the White House. Several witnesses previously told the committee that Trump angrily demanded to go to the Capitol but that his Secret Service detail declined to take him.

The 1/6 Committee knows what Trump did before the attack. They know what Trump did after he returned to the White House, but they have not heard from the Secret Service what Trump did in his motorcade from the time that his speech ended on 1/6 and he got back to the White House.

Cassidy Hutchinson said that Trump tried to make the Secret Service take him to the Capitol and even attacked his own security detail when they told him no. Hutchinson’s testimony was later confirmed that Trump did try to take the wheel of his motorcade and go to the Capitol.

It is important to know what Trump did in that time period because it speaks to his intentions. If Trump was trying to get to the Capitol, it shows that he intended to attack democracy to overturn the election.

The Secret Service has destroyed 1/6 evidence and is under investigation. The 1/6 Committee is not letting them off the hook or stopping their quest for answers.

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