Actor Jon Voight Urges America to ‘Wake Up,’ Says Trump is the ‘Only’ One Who Can Rebuild This Nation


Conservative actor Jon Voight posted a video to social media over the weekend urging Americans to “wake up” and recognize that Donald Trump is the “only” person who can save America.

Voight’s staunch support comes as the former President has been criticized by unnamed sources within the GOP and popular conservative commentators over his supposed role in the 2022 midterm election results.

Republicans, expecting a massive red wave leading up to Election Day, instead saw Senate power return to the Democrats and a House shift still as of yet unconfirmed.

“My fellow Americans, we are in danger of a third world war,” he warned. “We as a family of one truth must hear this now. Look at this lie, this deceit that continues day after day.”

“Can you not all see this lie? We must all wake up,” Voight insisted. “Wake up because if we don’t see this lie, this land will die.”

RELATED: Unnamed Sources, Top Conservatives Blame Trump for Midterm Disaster

Jon Voight Defends Donald Trump

Jon Voight’s impassioned plea may be too little, too late.

The American people can’t survive another two years of a feeble-minded President running the economy into the ground seemingly on purpose and hell-bent on prodding Russia into a nuclear world war.

Or ‘Armageddon‘ as Joe Biden has himself suggested could be our fate.

And yet voters across America opted to keep the status quo by rebuking Republican candidates at a greater rate than anybody had anticipated.

While many have suggested it was Trump’s hand-picked candidates who were predominantly rejected, Voight believes America needs to open up her eyes before it is too late. He offers Trump as the only logical solution in 2024.

“Let us pray that the one president who understood truths and had the best interests of the American people, the American dream, President Donald Trump will return to the presidency,” he told supporters.

“He and only he can stop this swamp,” Voight claimed. “Allow President Trump to rebuild our soil and our land so we can rise to our glory.”

RELATED: Conservative Actor Jon Voight Promises to Show Trump’s ‘Beautiful Side’ in Upcoming Documentary

Wants Biden Impeached

Could Trump really be the only one to stop the decline of America as Jon Voight suggests?

One could argue that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis could do just as formidable a job of draining the swamp should he run in 2024.

And America could have put a stop to Biden’s destruction of the nation by voting Republicans into office in overwhelming numbers. Would a slight GOP edge in the House be able to stop the President enough so that there is a recognizable country in two years?

Jon Voight has been a consistent source of inspiration to conservatives in difficult times. And he’s been one of the few Hollywood celebrities to embrace Trump.

The actor produced an exclusive documentary highlighting the historic Abraham Accords achievement of the former President in September.

He called it an “unprecedented” movement towards peace that Trump rarely gets credit for.

Over the summer Voight called for President Biden to be impeached.

“He must be impeached,” he insisted. “Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch that was sacrificed with blood, sweat, and tears for his dictation of lies.”

Sadly, that window may have passed. With the red wave fizzling out, President Biden has said he will change “nothing” about his administration and its efforts going forward.

And with only a small margin in the House, it’s highly unlikely the GOP will bother to impeach or, if they do, get enough votes for it to get pushed through and on to the Senate where it will surely die.

A recent poll shows 56% of Americans do not want to see Biden run in 2024, while 53% don’t want to see Trump give it another shot either.

Trump is expected to announce his run on Tuesday.

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