They Make Conservative Girls Want To Vote: The Most Attractive Republican Men


Ok, so the midterm election is over, well, give or take a few hundred thousand votes in several states, but that is another topic. Are we ready to get our minds off politics for just a bit?

For all of you conservative ladies out there, let’s take a look at a few Republican guys in a different light. Unlike liberal chicks, we love us some strong, toxically masculine conservative men! 

Without further ado, here’s the list: 

Marco Rubio

For number 1, let’s go with Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Rubio rode the Tea Party wave into the Senate in 2010, and was just elected to his third term in the upper chamber. He is the son of Cuban immigrants, and let’s face it ladies, it is hard to ignore those Latin good looks!

And being the son of immigrants, he is also bilingual. For those of us whose Spanish might consist of a drive thru order at Taco Bell, getting a dose of bilingual Marco Rubio is an attention-getter.

Marco Rubio is also an athlete, playing football in high school and briefly in college. We do love athletes!

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Ron DeSantis

Not sure what is in the water there in the Sunshine state, but they seem to grow them pretty good. Number 2, Gov. Ron DeSantis. No other way to put it, Ron DeSantis is quickly become a major rock star in the Republican Party.

DeSantis was just reelected to a second term as Governor of Florida by a beyond whopping 20 point margin. Most conservative women would agree that part of DeSantis’ appeal is that he is a no-nonsense guy, who dishes right back to the media what they try to dish up to him. Florida is ahead in every category that matters, thanks to his leadership.

Besides Florida-good looks, DeSantis attended Yale and was captain of the baseball team.

He graduated from Harvard Law School, and earned a commission as a Navy JAG officer. He is an active U.S. Navy reservist. Ladies, if you have never seen a photo of the Governor in his Navy dress whites from back in the day, it is worth looking up!

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Matt Pinnell

So of course, all of our lists are going to be different. Here are a few suggestions that might not be too well known, or that maybe we just didn’t think of. A little known addition to the list, Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell.

Lt. Governors don’t get a lot of press, but maybe Matt Pinnell should. Pinnell is a great cheerleader for his state, and spends a lot of time on tourism. He also does a lot of recruitment of companies looking to move or expand their operations to Oklahoma.

Ok ladies, let’s get real here. Sometimes a guy may not be the one that turns heads when we walk into the room, but he has that certain other “something” that we just can’t put our finger on, that put him on the list. We have a couple.

Lee Zeldin

Former Congressman Lee Zeldin might fit that bill. We might not put him in the heartthrob category, but he he has that wholesome “boy next door” thing going on. He looks like a nice guy. One that your mom would definitely approve of.

Tim Scott

Last but certainly not least, Sen. Tim Scott. It’s all about personality with the good Senator, and he’s got a ton of it! He is always upbeat and he has a great sense of humor.

A night spent hanging out with Tim Scott would have to be guaranteed to be fun. By the way girls, Sen. Scott is a single guy too.

Republican women are lucky to have some good looking but also principled guys on our side!

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