62% Of Republicans Want Mitch McConnell Replaced As Senate GOP Leader


Republican voters don’t want Mitch McConnell as GOP senate leader.

A poll from Rasmussen found that 62% of Republican voters don’t want McConnell as Senate GOP leader – that number rises to 66% among self-identified conservative voters.

The poll also found that only 28% of likely voters have a favorable opinion of Mitch McConnell.

Rasmussen reported:

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Only 21% of Likely Voters believe Senate Republicans keep McConnell as leader, while 61% think they should choose a new leader. Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republican voters want to get rid of McConnell as Senate GOP leader, a sentiment shared by 58% of Democrats and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Among self-identified conservative voters, two-thirds (66%) want Senate Republicans to choose a new leader.

McConnell is viewed unfavorably by 68% of whites, 58% of black voters and 52% of other minorities. McCarthy is viewed unfavorably by 48% of both white and black voters, and 36% of other minorities. Majorities of every racial category – 61% of whites, 55% of black voters and 64% of other minorities – think Senate Republicans should choose a new leader. Fifty percent (50%) of black voters think House Republicans should choose a new leader, as do 47% of whites and 43% of other minorities.

A majority (53%) of voters under 40 think Senate Republicans should “ditch Mitch,” as do nearly two-thirds of older voters.

Despite this, Mitch McConnell was re-elected as Senate GOP leader. McConnell was challenged by GOP senator Rick Scott.

Newsmax reported:

Sen. Mitch McConnell was reelected as Republican leader Wednesday, quashing a challenge from Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, the Senate GOP campaign chief criticized over his party’s midterm election failures.

Retreating to the Capitol’s Old Senate Chamber for the private vote, Republicans had faced public infighting following a disappointing performance in last week’s elections that kept Senate control with Democrats.

McConnell, of Kentucky, easily swatted back the challenge from Scott in the first-ever attempt to oust him after many years as GOP leader. Senators first rejected an attempt by McConnell’s detractors to delay the leadership choice until after the Senate runoff election in Georgia next month.

This poll was taken before McConnell’s millions carried corrupt Senator Murkowski in the Alaska Senate race – one of the most disgusting anti-American Senators in US history.

Why isn’t the GOP listening to its voters?

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