Former Commander in 101st Airborne: Refusing Jab Was a ‘No Brainer’


The Gateway Pundit has reported on the impact of COVID vaccine requirements on our military and the readiness of our fighting forces including several interviews with members of the military.  The interviews reveal the unjust treatment that military members have been subjected to under the unlawful mandate.

The mandate has forced thousands out of military service and discouraged new recruits from joining.  Military recruiting and retention is suffering.

Lt. John Bowes submitted a request for a religious accommodation last year to the US military to excuse him from taking the experimental COVID vaccine, a request that was later denied. Lt. Bowes has been grounded since the denial last September.

Fighter pilot Capt. Tom Stewart, USMC, described his personal story of challenging the US Military vaccine mandates. This included the unlawful process they used to ground US pilots back in September, wasting nine months of manpower and resources.

In May of 2022, over 500 members of the military filed a lawsuit against the government arguing that the vaccine mandate is illegal because there is no approved vaccine available in the US.

Former Army lieutenant colonel Bradley Miller recently shared his decision to resign from the Army rather that be forced to take the vaccine, a decision he called a “no brainer.”

The decision cost his command, career, and, because he did not make it to 20 years, his retirement.

American Family News reports:

“I left the institution, [and] there’s not a day that has gone by where I have ever regretted the decision that I made,” Miller shares. “And if I had to make it all over again, I would do the exact same thing.

Bradley Miller, a former lieutenant colonel in the Army, was a battalion commander in the 101st Airborne Division at the time of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s August 2021 announcement of the military vaccine mandate. Miller refused the vaccine and was subsequently relieved of command in October 2021.

And with that, Miller tells American Family News he decided to resign from the Army after it published a directive in January 2022 stating it would separate unvaccinated soldiers. His service officially came to an end on September 15, 2022. After 19 years, 3 months, and 15 days of service, he still considers it a “no brainer” to have refused the COVID shot.

“I was very well aware of the ramifications my decision would have for my command, my career, and my retirement,” he admits. “But in my mind, I was placed in a situation where I had to choose the harder right over the easier wrong.”

For Miller, it felt like he was placed in a situation where he had to “either choose the Army or choose the country.” He shares he’s proud to have chosen his country, adding that “far too many leaders of the military have turned their back on the country.”

“[It’s] an order of precedence,” he says. “No one should align with the Armed Forces over the country, [because] the Armed Forces exist to protect the country – it’s not the other way around.” He adds: “It also makes no sense to love the military more than the country.”

Miller acknowledges his decision came at a cost – and that he knew “full well” what was going to be sacrificed.

“It felt like my continued service would have constituted an unspoken endorsement of everything that was going on [surrounding the military vaccine mandate] – and I was not going to have that. My values no longer aligned with the values of the senior leadership of the Department of Defense.”

And a result, he states, “I left the military with my integrity intact and my oath to the Constitution unbroken” – adding, for emphasis: “That’s far more important.”

Read the full interview here.

The post Former Commander in 101st Airborne: Refusing Jab Was a ‘No Brainer’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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