Trump Devastated As Court Trashes Judge Cannon Special Master Order


The 11th Circuit Court ruled that Judge Cannon’s ordering of the special master in the Trump classified documents case was wrong and ordered the case dismissed.

The 11th Circuit Court ruled:

The three judge panel on the court wrote, “The law is clear. We cannot write a rule that allows any subject of a search warrant to block government investigations after the execution of the warrant. Nor can we write a rule that allows only former presidents to do so.”

Judge Cannon made up special rules for Trump that allowed him to block government investigations because he is a former president. Cannon’s ruling was wrong and should never have happened.

The 11th Circuit righted that wrong by ordering the special master disbanded, the DOJ gets access to classified documents, and Cannon is to dismiss Trump’s case.

The failed former president went judge shopping, and it bought him a little more time, but without the special master holding things up and a court order blocking access to the classified documents that Trump is accused of stealing, there is nothing standing in the way of the Department of Justice if they choose to indict Donald Trump.

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