After Banning Women From Universities, Taliban Now Prevents Women From Working at NGOs


Joe Biden oversaw a botched Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 which left 13 service members dead and thousands left behind to fend for themselves against the Taliban.  The world was promised a “softer form of rule” from the brutal Taliban.

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers banned university education for women nationwide.

Now, they have ordered all national and international NGOs to no longer employ women.  They claimed that it is because of “serious complaints” about the dress code.

Yahoo News reports:

The order threatened to suspend the operating licences of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that failed to implement the directive.

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The move drew swift international condemnation, with governments and organisations warning of the impact on humanitarian services in a country where millions rely on aid.

The latest restriction comes less than a week after the Taliban authorities banned women from attending universities, prompting global outrage and protests in some Afghan cities.

While the Taliban had promised a softer form of rule when they returned to power in August last year, they have instead imposed harsh restrictions on women — effectively squeezing them out of public life.

The notification sent to NGOs, a copy of which was obtained by AFP and confirmed by an economy ministry spokesman, cited “serious complaints regarding the non-observance of the Islamic hijab and other rules and regulations pertaining to the work of females in national and international organisations”.

The ministry “instructs all organisations to stop females working until further notice,” the notification said, warning that if a group ignores the order, its license “will be cancelled”.

It remained unclear whether the directive impacted foreign women staff at NGOs.

Two international NGOs confirmed they had received the notification.

“We are suspending all our activities from Sunday,” a top official at an international NGO involved in humanitarian work told AFP on condition of anonymity.

“We will soon have a meeting of top officials of all NGOs to decide how to handle this issue.”

Organizations involved in delivering critical aid to the people of Afghanistan shared their dismay at the news and expressed worry about the devastating impact this will have on the women and children subjected to the Taliban’s brutal leadership. They fear aid will not reach those in need.


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