What, Me Worry? Biden To Leave for Warm Virgin Islands While Americans Freeze to Death


Despite at least 60 Americans dying from the recent polar vortex, the Regime’s leader still plans to chill on the beautiful beaches of St. Croix.  Oh, and you may be on the hook for more than just his taxpayer funded vacation.

Here is what ordinary Americans are currently experiencing:

But Joe Biden will experience warmth and comfort here:

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Biden and his wife Jill are scheduled to depart for the island later today and stay until January 2nd. So far, he has spent 40% of his time as “president” vacationing on the taxpayer dime instead of working.

The Biden family also plans to use this downtime to decide whether the Regime’s leader will seek another term in office. Any guesses who will make this final decision?

Here’s a clue:

Biden may also utilize this trip to advocate for providing the Virgin Islands solar energy. Local officials there are lobbying the Regime to appropriate millions in taxpayer funds for this venture. From Davis Williams at RealClearEnergy:

“Local officials are pressing the Biden administration to fund the territory’s gambit into renewable energy. In March, USVI Governor Albert Bryan announced a pipedream idea to transition St. Croix’s grid to 100 percent solar power “within 90 days.”

“Of course, Virgin Islanders won’t pay for it, taxpayers will. With the Department of Energy footing the bill, the cost of solar will appear to be “essentially free.” Good politically for the Governor, not so much for taxpayers because that “free” price tag comes at a cost to taxpayers. In fact, FEMA has already put the deposit down on a massive $200 million solar project.”

USVI officials also want Biden to bail out the USVI government-run Water and Power Authority (WAPA). Williams says WAPA has already blown through billions in taxpayer dollars yet the power grid remains broken:

“When I lived in St. Thomas in the 1970’s, WAPA was just as broken then as it is now. Five decades and billions of dollars later, one would think that the power grid would have improved, but under the current leadership, it has not. WAPA has already received $1 billion from the feds since recent hurricanes.”

We all know Biden cares nothing for the welfare of the American taxpayer. The deciding factor on bailing out the Virgin Islands will come down to how important Biden feels the U.S. territory is to his Green New Deal scam.

The Regime has proven time and again you do not matter to them. They only care about stealing your money.

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