Migrant Crossings “Plummet” After Texas National Guard Expands Barbwire Fence


When Republicans want to secure the border, they do.

Migrant crossings have plummeted on a stretch of Downtown El Paso where the Texas National Guard put up a barbwire fence.

First Sgt. Suzanne Ringle attributed the decline in migrant crossings to the visual deterrent of the barbwire and National Guard members at the border.

Border report reported:

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Migrant crossings have plummeted in a mile-long stretch of Downtown El Paso where the Texas Army National Guard has set up concertina wire and portable fencing along the Rio Grande.

The guard began setting up the barrier last week at a gap in the border wall west of the Paso del Norte port of entry. In the space of eight days, the barbed wire has nearly reached a second port of entry and chain-link fence anchored by sandbags extends even farther. The result is that asylum seekers can no longer walk across ankle-deep water in the Rio Grande and turn themselves in to waiting Border Patrol agents in that area.

“The difference is vast,” said 1st Sgt. Suzanne Ringle. “The 19th, the 20th and the 21st we had large groups of families and individuals who were wanting to come across. Now, it’s almost a ghost town out there.”

She attributed that to the “visual deterrent” of the barbwire, parked Humvees and soldiers patrolling the area with their semi-automatic rifles. As of Tuesday, 600 guard members were in El Paso on border security duty associated with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott responded to the story by vowing to continue to protect the border by continuing the deployment of the National Guard and securing the border.

Greg Abbott: 

Migrant crossings “plummet” in El Paso as Texas National Guard expands barbwire fence.

We will continue to deploy the National Guard, razor wire, large container boxes and building the wall to do all we can to deter illegal immigration caused by Biden.

Why wasn’t this done years ago?

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

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