World Economic Forum Drops Twitter


The World Economic Forum noticeably omitted Twitter as a source to follow its actions at its upcoming 2023 event.  Instead, Chinese apps were recommended instead. 

Twitter appears to be moving in the right direction.  The elites at the World Economic Forum have censored the Big Tech site as a recommended site to obtain updates on their 2023 activities.

The World Economic Forum appears to have joined the cancel Twitter campaign, promoting Chinese state-controlled social media apps to push the Davos agenda.

“Twitter is noticeably absent from the entities listed on the organization’s ‘How to follow Davos 2023’ social media pamphlet, and that appears to be no accident,” independent journalist Jordan Schachtel wrote.

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Jack Posobiec was on this as well.

Twitter has been under attack since Elon Musk took over the company.  Tesla’s stock has also suffered.

The world’s elites don’t like free speech as it inhibits its monopoly on information and news.  When the elites own the news then they can do all sorts of things as we’ve seen over the past decade.

Corrupt politicians like Obama and Hillary and Biden are praised while those who do real good, like President Trump, are vilified.

Absurdities like climate change are pushed while the efficacy of using masks against the COVID virus is hidden.  Shutting down economies based on a virus is pushed while herd immunity is shunned.

The evil elites in the world know that information is key and they want to own it. Free speech is not compatible with their agenda. 

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