Trump Calls for FBI to Raid Biden’s Homes After Classified Documents Discovered In His Office


Donald Trump is calling for President Biden’s homes to be raided after classified documents were discovered in a Washington, DC office he used during his time as Vice President.

The records were discovered inside an office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a “think tank” that Biden used as part of his relationship with the University of Pennsylvania. The President had been an honorary professor at the institution.

CNN reports that Attorney General Merrick Garland has asked the US attorney in Chicago to investigate the matter.

The papers, which include a “small number of documents with classified markings,” were located by the President’s personal attorneys in November.

Unlike the President, the Vice President does not have the same declassification authority.

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Biden Kept Classified Documents

What material was found in those Biden classified documents is unclear.

It also remains unclear how, when faced with a similar story involving Trump, information was repeatedly leaked by anonymous sources to the media, yet there have been zero stories for two months since the records were first discovered.

Not to mention, Biden was an honorary professor at the University of Pennsylvania from 2017 to 2019. Yet these documents sat in a Washington, DC office and federal officials never knew about them for anywhere between 4 to 6 years?

It took them significantly less time to go after Trump for material he claimed was declassified and which he had argued were moved to his residence inadvertently during a chaotic transition.

According to the CNN report, the National Archives and Records Administration was notified immediately after the discovery by Biden lawyers and managed to keep things quiet until now.

And wouldn’t you know it – the classified documents were found in this office on November 2nd, six days before the midterm elections.

The classified materials included top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.

Unlike what Trump had been accused of, CBS News, who first reported on the situation, specifically states that “the documents did not contain nuclear secrets.”

It appears as if they’re already running cover to let the people know Biden’s taking classified documents wasn’t quite as serious as Trump’s transgressions.

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Trump Wants Biden’s Homes Raided

Attorney General Merrick Garland personally signed off on a warrant to search Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home for classified documents back in August.

His actions marked an unprecedented legal effort by a sitting Attorney General against the likely opponent of the President that nominated him to the post.

Demonstrating once again that Garland is a partisan flak for the President and should not be serving in his role as AG, there were no subsequent raids of Biden’s home to locate more classified documents.

And Trump wants to know why.

“When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House?” he asked on the Truth Social media platform. “These documents were definitely not declassified.”

Trump also linked to a New York Post article from April claiming the think tank in question received over $54 million in donations from China through various cutouts, over half of which were “anonymous gifts.”

Having classified documents at a location where China is showering you with gifts is not a good look.

“Wow! The Biden Think Tank is funded by CHINA!!!” wrote Trump. “How much more information has China been given?”

There is no indication China or anybody else for that matter has seen the classified documents Biden kept at the think tank.

The President, meanwhile, didn’t seem too enthralled with having to answer questions on the matter, ignoring reporters who shouted inquiries on the classified documents.

Biden had been highly critical of Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents after leaving office.

“How that could possibly happen? How anyone could be that irresponsible? And I thought what data was in there that would maybe compromise sources and methods?” the President said. “And it just – totally irresponsible.”

It’s going to be interesting watching the media slowly morph from ‘a President having classified documents in his personal possession is treason and/or an attempt to sell nuclear secrets to Putin’ to ‘meh, it’s no big deal.’

They will protect Biden at all costs and the story of Trump’s actions will likely disappear like so many other ‘major’ stories that were supposed to end his political career over the years.

Remember, anything Trump is accused of was already done by a Democrat first. These classified documents are more proof of that.

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