Former ESPN Employees Sue Company Over Vax Mandate


Former ESPN employees Allison Williams and Beth Faber were fired in 2021 for not complying with ESPN’s COVID vaccine mandate.

Williams offered to wear a mask, test regularly, and work remotely or in-studio — but was still fired.

Faber said her attempt to get a religious exemption was denied.

New York Post reported:

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The 38-year-old says she told an employee relations associate she had not had any vaccinations since “she got a bad reaction to one” at the age of 12, and her 2-year-old daughter was not vaccinated, either.

Despite offering to test regularly and wear a mask, work remotely or in-studio, and claiming she had already had COVID-19 and “had natural immunity,” ESPN denied her exemption request and terminated her contract a week later, according to the suit.

Faber, an ESPN employee of 31 years, claims her religious exemption was denied before she was fired in September 2021.

She alleges a HR representative told her, “maybe God has led you to a new career, when God closes a door, he opens another.”

The two are now suing ESPN.

Fox News reported:

Two former ESPN employees filed a federal lawsuit against the sports media giant, alleging the company’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement violated religious freedom rights.

ESPN and the sports network’s parent company, The Walt Disney Company, are listed as defendants in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Connecticut Wednesday by former ESPN reporter Allison Williams and ex-producer Beth Faber, according to Front Office Sports.

“Forcing [the] plaintiffs to choose between continuation of their employment and a violation of their religious beliefs in order to retain their livelihoods imposes a substantial burden on plaintiffs’ ability to conduct themselves in accordance with their sincerely held religious beliefs,” attorney Christopher Dunn wrote in the complaint, according to the outlet.

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