Biden Has Mishandled Top Secret Documents Before


Only a fool would consider this news shocking. On Sunday, a journalist from The Arizona Republic revealed in an important article that Biden was reckless with top secret documents as vice-president back in 2010.

The author, Greg Burton, wrote that when he went to interview Biden that year, he noticed a top secret document sitting in full viewing on a table in Biden’s White House office. Once then-Biden’s director of Communications Jay Carney found out what Burton saw, a “minor skirmish” ensued.

Here are the relevant parts of the story from Burton:

Long before today’s political mayhem, I came across a top secret document on a table in Joe Biden’s White House office.

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The red warning on the cover caught my attention but my eyes drifted to the then-vice president’s keepsakes, a leather binder and photos of Jill, Beau, Hunter, Ashley, and Champ.

I was there to interview Biden about the financial crisis. He was animated and optimistic. He stood, sat down, leaned in and spread his arms. He talked about Amtrak and blue collar workers (Bully! on both) under the potent gaze of Thomas Jefferson.

Minutes after our interview ended, the classified document caused a minor skirmish in the West Wing.

As we neared the exit, notebooks full of Bidenisms, (Jay) Carney rushed up. Guys with ear pieces appeared. A Panasonic recorder in my hand clicked on.

Carney had seen the document on the table, and he knew we had seen it too.

Carney demanded Fred Comegy’s (the photographer at the interview) camera.

We said no.

A few tense minutes later, we struck a deal: Fred deleted the offending images. I did not delete the tape but would not publish what I recorded.

And that classified document on Joe’s desk that day?

Could be in Wilmington.

If Biden left a top secret document in full viewing when he was more mentally competent, he is certainly capable of doing so again considering his current state of mind.

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