Famous Astronaut Marries At 93


Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has gotten married at the age of 93.

Aldrin married his longtime girlfriend Anca Faur, 63.

They had a small ceremony in Los Angeles.

Aldrin said the two “are as excited as eloping teenagers.”

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Aldrin made three spacewalks as an astronaut.

This included being the second person to walk on the moon.

He is the last remaining member of the Apollo 11 lunar mission.

The New York Post reported:

Aldrin was propelled to fame — quite literally — after making three spacewalks during his glittering career as an astronaut.

He served as the Lunar Module Eagle pilot for the historic 1969 Apollo 11 mission, walking on the lunar surface for 19 minutes with Armstrong.

Aldrin is the only surviving astronaut of the three that took part in the Apollo 11 mission. He retired in 1971.

Good for Buzz!

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