Elizabeth Warren Swings For Washington DC Statehood, Gets Smacked With the Constitution


Senator Elizabeth Warren declared her support for Washington D.C. to become a state and was immediately hit with a jolt of reality from critics via the Constitution.

Warren (D-MA) took to social media Monday to voice her opinion on a long-sought battle for the District’s statehood.

“D.C. should be a state,” she succinctly wrote.

Senate Democrats have renewed their push to grant statehood to the District of Columbia, having reintroduced legislation that would “give Washington D.C. citizens full representation in Congress.”

The bill has dozens of Democrat co-sponsors, of which Warren is one.

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Push for Washington D.C. Statehood Hits a Snag

The idea to make Washington D.C. a state is one championed by Democrats to give their party exclusive Senate representation from a left-wing stronghold.

However, Warren’s argument has significant opposition from one major source, and it’s a source that usually gets in the way of Democrat plans to usurp greater power.

The Constitution.

The national capital is not a state, as described in Article 1 of the Constitution. It was never intended to be a state. It was, as the Founding Fathers described, to be “the Seat of Government of the United States.”

The Justice Department, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, has a history of agreeing that statehood for the District requires a constitutional amendment rather than simple legislation.

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The Constitution Says Otherwise

Critics were quick to point out that Senator Warren’s dream of D.C. statehood is in direct conflict with the United States Constitution.

“Isn’t your one job to uphold the Constitution which categorically states the opposite?” asked The Redheaded Libertarian.

Senate Democrats don’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to compliance with the Constitution.

“Draft a constitutional amendment and stop with the sound bites,” Coast Guard veteran Jason Roberge fired back.

Journalist Kristi Leigh joked that Washington D.C. is already a state … a “state of corruption.”

The New York Times reported in 2021 that even if a bill somehow gives D.C. statehood a green light, Republican-controlled states would likely “sue to challenge its constitutionality” and the Supreme Court just “might dismiss such a case.”

Roger Pilon, a former Reagan administration official, testified before the House Oversight and Reform Committee and argued, according to the Times, that Congress “cannot use a statute to eliminate a constitutional directive, nor to take away people’s constitutional rights.”

Taking away people’s constitutional rights is what today’s Democrat party is all about.

Senate Democrats are facing a brutal Senate map in 2024, so it’s no wonder Warren and her colleagues are pushing a matter that would give their party two more lawmakers in that body.

According to 270towin, D.C. is extremely left-wing when it comes to presidential elections, and only becoming more so. The district voted 92% for Biden in 2020. The next most Democratic state was Vermont, with a mere 66% for Biden.

Since 1976, Ronald Reagan’s landslide in 1980 was the Democrats’ worst showing – at a mere 75%.

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