CRIMINAL: Fauci Charging Up To $100K For Speeches


Dr. Anthony Fauci is not done profiting off his role in government.

Now that he has retired, he is charging between $50K and $100k to speak.

The speaking topics that are listed are “motivational speakers” and “healthcare speakers.”

Fox News reported:

TRENDING: J6 Defendant Victoria White – Who Was Pummeled in the Face by Police with Their Bare Fists and Batons Over 40 Times on January 6 – Arrives in DC for Upcoming Trial This Week

Dr. Anthony Fauci was chastised online on Sunday after critics discovered that the retired NIAID director, who was once the highest-paid federal U.S. government employee, is charging up to $100,000 for speaking engagements.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ rapid response director Christina Pushaw on Sunday tweeted a screenshot from the Leading Motivational Speaker’s Agency’s website, which lists Fauci as a “motivational” and “health care” keynote speaker with a price tag that ranges from $50,000 to $100,000.

The website describes Fauci as someone “who’s career warrants execution under immense pressure that can alter the course of human existence. His work on domestic as well as global health issues has saved millions of lives. This high level of research, discovery and execution is amazing given the grave challenges he faces on a daily basis,” the agency writes.


Critics ripped Fauci.

The Conservative Brief reported:

“The audacity of this man,” Latina conservative influencer Jennifer Barreto-Leyva tweeted.

“Follow The Science Starting at 50k an hour,” Substack writer Jordan Schachtel wrote.

“Gotta replace the 400K federal salary…,” NewsBusters’ Tim Graham replied.

“The grift that keeps on gifting,” Kingsley Cortes, a conservative influencer and Trump 2020 campaign staffer quipped.

This is the swamp!

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