Speaker McCarthy Responds to Those Encouraging Him to Rip Up Biden’s SOTU Speech Just Like Nancy Pelosi Did to Trump’s


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy responded to suggestions that he should rip up President Biden’s State of the Union Speech as his predecessor Nancy Pelosi did when Trump was in office.

Conservative podcaster Graham Allen and author Brigitte Gabriel had encouraged McCarthy to tear up the speech as the precedent had been set.

Several others made similar suggestions on social media.

The California Republican noted that “a lot of people have been asking” if he would shred his copy of the speech as Pelosi had done three years ago.

Former adviser to President Trump, Sebastian Gorka, even joked about McCarthy possibly floating a Chinese ‘balloon’ during the speech.

RELATED: Outrage After ‘Classless’ Nancy Pelosi Rips Up Trump’s SOTU Speech And Tosses It Away

Will Kevin McCarthy Tear Up the State of the Union Speech?

Despite pressure from Biden critics, Speaker McCarthy posted a video explaining that he would not eschew decorum and civility the way Nancy Pelosi had.

“I don’t believe in the theatrics of tearing up speeches,” McCarthy revealed. “I respect the other side, I can disagree on policy.”

“But I want to make sure this country is stronger, economically sound, energy independent, secure, and accountable,” he added.

Pelosi, who was House Speaker in 2020, concluded Trump’s State of the Union speech that year by famously tearing up her copy and tossing it away, sparking outrage and cries of classlessness.

When asked why she did it, Pelosi responded: “Because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives. I tore it up. I was trying to find one page with truth on it. I couldn’t.”

RELATED: Pelosi Admits Thinking About, Then Ripping SOTU Page With Soldier’s Homecoming

What Was in the State of the Union Speech That Would Cause Pelosi to Rip It Up?

As you might imagine, former President Trump’s State of the Union speech probably enraged Pelosi because it was rich in pro-America content.

Then-Vice President Mike Pence argued that Trump made the speech all about America while Pelosi in turn “tried to make it about her.”

Pelosi’s behavior was proven to be even more trash when one perused through the pages of things she was dismissing and disrespecting.

The speech mentioned and warned of the threat of the coronavirus and how Trump’s administration was working to protect the American people’s health. Perhaps had Pelosi been paying attention, Democrats in Congress would have had a better response to the pandemic.

What else was in the speech that Pelosi literally ripped apart?

  • Trump honoring the last surviving Tuskegee airman.
  • A fourth-grade student who received a scholarship to go to a school of her choice.
  • The family of a soldier killed by Iranian terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani.
  • And the Williams Family from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, who were reunited during the speech with Sergeant First Class Townsend Williams who had been serving on his fourth deployment. 

Pelosi couldn’t find “one page” to treat with respect in Trump’s speech.

Look, we’re not expecting McCarthy to go in there and behave like a child the way Pelosi did. We’re just saying, if he did, we’d be perfectly fine with it.

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