Disabled Veteran Being Wrongfully Evicted from Home Asks for Help


A man in Oregon is being evicted from his house.  He is a disabled veteran and is asking for help so he can move to a new place. 

A friend of TGP shared this story.  He knows this veteran and wanted to bring his situation to light.

Shawn Minor is being evicted from his home after having lived in it for 10 years.

Here is his story from Go Fund Me:

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Hi, my name is Shawn and I’m a disabled veteran, recently I suffered a severe injury that limits the use of my left arm, and now i find out that we are being evicted for no legitimate reason. I am fundraising so i might be able to cover the expenses of travel to and from physical therapy after my surgery in March, help with moving and for additional expenses in having to move unexpectedly.

This is not just about myself, this money will go a long way to help my family. It will give us a chance to finally have a home of our own and keep us from being homeless. We’re just in a bad situation with this injury and being forced out of the house we’ve lived in for the last 10 years. I’m not at liberty to go into details because it could make things worse for us, but I can tell you that it isn’t our choice and it wasn’t anything we did that brought this about.

We managed to get a piece of land for $100 a month, but we cant live on it until a septic tank is installed. The money will be used responsibly and go towards moving expenses, a big part of it will be used for getting our property ready to live on, transportation to and from physical therapy and help covering any additional expenses that may be unforseen. I greatly appreciate any and all help, and God bless you

You can donate here at Go Fund Me.

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