Toxic RINO Lindsey Graham Accused of Fast-Tracking Biden’s Radical Judicial Nominees


Senator Lindsey Graham is one of the biggest RINOs in the land.  He talks the talk but then walks with radical Democrat anti-American policies. 

Recently Graham was there to support Joe Biden when classified documents were found on his properties across the country.  It was illegal for Bdien to have these documents as a VP but Graham was happy to help the corrupt Biden family.

“I Would Be Shocked if There’s Anything Sinister Here” – Toxic RINO Lindsey Graham Defends Joe Biden’s Handling of Stolen Classified Documents (VIDEO)

Senator Graham is a known war-hawk.  There isn’t a war he doesn’t like.  He is totally behind the US escalating the war with Russia in Ukraine.  He’s happy to send tanks to Ukraine despite the fact that the Ukrainians have no training on how to use them.

Graham was John McCain’s mate and so it’s no wonder he thinks this way.

“The Best Chance in 20 Years to Take This Guy Out” – Lindsey Graham Again Calls for Assassination of Vladimir Putin and Crushing the Russian Economy (VIDEO)

When President Trump recently said that America needs a leader who will stand up to the RINOs, Lindsey Graham laughed.

HE LIED! Fraudster Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham Has REFUSED to Call any Hearings on FBI, CIA, Spygate, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Mueller, Stefan Halper… COMPLETE LIST

Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri is tired of Graham pushing through radical Democrat nominees who destroy our courts and the rule of law.  Obama judges and now Biden judges rule based on politics always.  In so doing they ignore the law.

Newsmax reported:

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, faces pressure from conservatives to take a slower pace when considering President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees.

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo, a Judiciary Committee member, told The Hill that Republican “leadership squandered a 50-50 Senate” before the midterm elections last year.

“They could have, at the committee level, made a major push to vote together and to stop at least the circuit court nominees,” Hawley said. “Every single one of them would have required a discharge petition. We didn’t do that.

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