UK, Germany and France Respond to China Peace Deal on Ukraine


Under Biden, the US no longer holds the moral high ground.  After leaving thousands of Americans in Afghanistan and surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, Biden is behind Ukraine’s actions keeping the war going with Russia.

Biden is behind Ukraine’s efforts to ignore peace deals with Russia so China is taking the lead and working on a peace deal.

According to Zerohedge earlier today, the UK, Germany, and France have responded to China’s peace plan for the Ukraine and Russia war:

NATO has “answered” China’s Ukraine peace proposal unveiled earlier in the day by previewing a peace plan that three major Western allies reportedly have in the works. The plan hinges on Ukraine forging a defense pact with NATO (though stopping short of formal membership), and in return Kyiv would enter talks with Moscow, likely with territorial concessions on the table.

It’s said to be motivated in part by Western leaders having “growing doubts” over Ukraine’s ability to reconquer territory – thus a more ‘realist’ and pragmatic perspective might be taking hold one year into the stalemated conflict. The Wall Street Journal broadly outlines the German, France, UK plan as follows:

Germany, France and Britain see stronger ties between NATO and Ukraine as a way to encourage Kyiv to start peace talks with Russia later this year, officials from the three governments said, as some of Kyiv’s Western partners have growing doubts over its ability to reconquer all its territory.

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last week laid out a blueprint for an agreement to give Ukraine much broader access to advanced military equipment, weapons and ammunition to defend itself once the war ends. He said the plan should be on the agenda for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s annual meeting in July.

But if the plan hinges on creating a ‘fortress Ukraine’ through ramped up arms deliveries, including tanks and possibly jets, then it’s unlikely to sit well with Moscow – especially if the plan falls short of making territorial concessions.

Zelenskyy says in response to a growing lack of support for the war in Ukraine that the US will lose its place as the world leader if the US doesn’t support Ukraine.

Biden’s actions for keeping the war going while reportedly being behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline have hurt America’s reputation around the world.  Biden is singlehandedly destroying America’s name globally. 

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