House Democrat Suggests Kevin McCarthy Is Helping Putin


Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) said that Kevin McCarthy is weakening democratic institutions, which Putin favors.



Rep. Cohen said when MSNBC’s Katie Phang asked him about McCarthy giving the 1/6 tapes to Tucker Carlson, “The Carlson thing giving somebody all the tapes. The Santos thing lying and not being expelled is all a tearing down our institutions. And that is wrong. Putin is very much in favor of that. But our Putin is winning this political race.”

Speaker McCarthy only cares about keeping his power and doesn’t care if he helps Putin or jeopardizes national security. It is an open question whether Kevin McCarthy is only owned by the MAGAs or has been converted, but his actions are harming the nation’s democratic institutions, providing resources for the spread of propaganda and misinformation, and adding to the division in the country, which is everything that Putin hopes to accomplish to weaken the United States.

Rep. Cohen was correct. McCarthy’s actions as speaker, when examined individually, are bad. When they are looked at in total, they are even worse. Kevin McCarthy’s speakership is harming the nation and putting national security at risk.

McCarthy doesn’t have to be a Putin puppet like Marjorie Taylor Greene to help Russia. He is doing plenty by ensuring that he always puts his political needs ahead of the country.

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