“This Will Bring Down Their Evil Empire!” – HUGE UPDATE: Candidate Tine Peters Raises Funds for Recount in Stolen Colorado Primary Race! –


On Tuesday, June 28, a no-name political operative who sits on the Board of Administrators for Mark Zuckerberg’s private election mafia the Heart for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) received the Republican major Secretary of State race in Colorado.

Standard conservative and MAGA candidate Tina Peters was main within the polls and had a 15 level lead on her closest competitor Pam Anderson earlier than the votes had been counted.

However Pam Anderson from Zuckerberg’s CTCL had the evening of her life and defeated Peters by 20 factors.

It was one other Raffensperger Special!

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Anderson got here again from 15 factors right down to win by 20 factors over Tina Peters.
It was a miracle!

Two days later investigative reporter Emerald Robinson mentioned the actually unbelievable major outcomes.

The story of the GOP major race for Secretary of State in Colorado will get extra attention-grabbing the extra you examine the outcomes.

As I noted yesterday, the massive information is that an Australian businessman named Mike O’Donnell by some means received 28% of the vote (173,000 residents voted for him!) despite the fact that polling confirmed he had no help, he raised $4,700 for his marketing campaign, and 139 folks had been following his marketing campaign on Twitter. Probably the most interplay he received on his 1,300 marketing campaign tweets was 4 “likes” on his June twenty seventh tweet; most of them had zero interplay. He went from being a non-factor in a three-person race to grabbing greater than quarter of the whole vote.

Mike O’Donnell looks as if a really good man — however can anybody clarify his sudden 28% share of the vote in crucial election integrity race in Colorado? Election officers in Colorado had no rationalization. A lot of the county clerks within the 17 counties that Mike O’Donnell received had by no means heard of him. Their reactions ranged from confusion to disbelief…

…The actually large information is that Pam Anderson supposedly received the race with 43% of the vote (266,000 residents voted for her!) which is an unbelievable outcome — to say the very least.

It’s actually unbelievable as a result of two months earlier than the first, Pam Anderson was not simply dropping to Tina Peters in all of the polling and fundraising metrics, however her campaign was broke. She had a $5,665 stability in her marketing campaign coffers. Based on liberal website Colorado Pols, “this surprisingly anemic fundraising is simply extra proof that [Pam Anderson] is a candidate with out a constituency…”

Two days after that evaluation, Colorado Pols thought-about Anderson’s marketing campaign dead-on-arrival and added that: “Peters’ sturdy efficiency additional underscores Anderson’s weak spot on this race, operating on a message not simply disagreed with however thought-about treasonous by a majority of Republican voters.”

Moreover, Tina Peters was the plain frontrunner in each approach:

“Within the Republican major for Colorado Secretary of State, all of the momentum now’s with Tina Peters. By each obtainable metric, Peters is the frontrunner. Peters dominated the vote on the state meeting, and now holds a commanding lead in fundraising. Peters is getting orders of magnitude extra earned media consideration. Protection one may understand as adverse about Peters’ felony case, a minimum of till June twenty eighth, just isn’t a serious legal responsibility with GOP major voters. To the extent they’ve heard of Peters, a big proportion will see her as a hero.”

So the place had been Pam Anderson’s 266,000 voters hiding all this time earlier than major day? You have to keep in mind that Tina Peters received 61% of the delegates at Colorado’s Republican Meeting in April. What about Pam Anderson — you ask?

Pam Anderson didn’t even attend the Republican assembly. She was so unpopular within the Colorado GOP that she was a write-in candidate who only qualified in April. She needed to acquire 1,000 legitimate signatures from registered Republicans in every of the state’s eight congressional districts simply to get on the poll. Within the fifth Congressional District, Anderson managed just one,282 legitimate signatures. Apparently, greater than 5,000 of the 17,904 signatures submitted by Anderson weren’t legitimate.

In different phrases, Pam Anderson was not a wildly in style candidate amongst Republicans.

So how did Pam Anderson all of a sudden pull off a miraculous 35 level swing on Major Day two months later with no cash and no endorsements?

The one benefit that Pam Anderson had on this race: she’s on the Board of Administrators for Mark Zuckerberg’s non-public election mafia, the “Heart For Tech And Civic Life.”

Isn’t it unusual that the director of Mark Zuckerberg’s non-public election charity for Democrats (on short-term depart!) simply received crucial election integrity race in Colorado — and a GOP major no much less — as a write-in candidate with a 35 level polling swing with no cash and no seen help from Republicans?

Yet one more factor: Colorado makes use of Dominion Voting Machines.

On Tuesday July 12, Tina Peters challenged the 2022 Colorado Republican Major Outcomes for Secretary of State.

Peters was instructed she needed to elevate greater than $200,000 for the state of Colorado to carry out a recount of her race.

She needed to elevate the funds by at present… And SHE DID IT!

Tina Peters was on with Steve Bannon on Tuesday to interrupt the information!

Tina will difficulty a letter demanding a recount to the Soros-funded Colorado Secretary of State Jennifer Griswold.

Tina has the money — Now she desires a recount!

She raised over $250,000 in donations for the recount. She did it!

This morning Tina Peters instructed Steve Bannon, “It will convey down the evil empire!”

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