Rasmussen Poll Shows 60% of Americans Believe “Climate Change” is a Religion that Has Nothing to do with Climate


A significant majority of Americans see right through the climate change garbage.  It’s not about the climate – it’s about power. 

A recent poll by Rasmussen shows that 60% of Americans don’t believe that climate change is about climate.

Rasmussen Reports shared:

A majority of voters agree with a Republican presidential candidate’s criticism of climate change as a “religion” that isn’t really about the climate at all.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. voters agree – including 47% who Strongly Agree – with Vivek Ramasamy’s recent statement that climate change has become a religion that “actually has nothing to do with the climate” and is really about power and control. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree with Ramaswamy’s statement, including 25% who Strongly Disagree.

Only a quarter of the craziest Americans believe climate change isn’t a religion.

In regards to whether Biden is doing a good job with climate change, the results are all over the place.  Nobody even knows how to answer that question.



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