Joe Biden Has Now Been on Vacation More Days Than the Rounds of Golf Played by President Trump His Entire First Term


Joe Biden departed for Delaware on Friday for another sleepy weekend getaway in Delaware.

This will mark the 311th vacation day, or 40% of his time in the White House, spent on vacation according to RNC Research.

Trump played golf 298 times (as of Dec 2020) in his entire Presidency and the Mockingbird Media lost their minds.  There were at least two websites dedicated specifically to tracking how many rounds of golf the President played.

A quick search did not reveal any websites about Joe Biden’s habitual vacations, especially when facing crisis.

This trip comes after last weekend’s Delaware vacation when The New York Post reported that Biden had “dined at Hallie Biden’s residence…” before the House Oversight Committee revealed bank transactions totaling over $1M disbursed by a former Hunter Biden business associate to at least four Biden family members.

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Joe Biden, before embarking on today’s vacation, told reporters regarding his family being paid by over $1M by a Hunter Biden business associate: “That’s not true.”  According to James Comer, it is.

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