This Week in Ukraine: Soldiers Storm Orthodox Monastery, Arrest Priest During Service, Cut Off Access to Sacred Caves, Close Three Orthodox Churches


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The Zelensky Regime continues its war against Orthodox Christian Church in Ukraine.

Zelensky cut off access to the sacred Kiev Caves Lavra National Reserve, additional caves and three other Orthodox churches.

St. Agapit of the Kiev Caves

According to

The Caves are where the relics of hundreds of saints are located. Access to the Churches of the Elevation of the Cross, the Conception of St. Anna, and the Synaxis of All Saints of the Caves has also been suspended, reports the Ukrainian Church’s Information-Education Department.

“The abbot and brothers of the Lavra received this news with extreme pain,” commented His Eminence Metropolitan Kliment of Nezhin, head of the Information-Education Department.

The Church has already been kicked out of the main churches in the Upper Lavra, and has been informed that it will be entirely evicted from its monastery on March 29.

In another incident last week a Christian man lost his fingertip when raiders tore open the doors of his Orthodox Church with a crowbar.

And an Orthodox Church in Western Ukraine was raided during mass and the priest was arrested.

Chernivsti is in Western Ukraine.


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