A Top House Republican Went On CNN To Defend Trump Taking Classified Docs And It Was A Total Disaster


Rating Home Intelligence Committee member Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) tried to defend Trump taking categorized paperwork, and it was an epic catastrophe.

CNN State Of The Union visitor host Brianna Keilar requested, “Do you are taking house paperwork marked particular entry?”

Turner answered, “No.”

Keilar:  And but you’re casting doubt — 

Turner got here again with a solution that implied that Trump couldn’t be trusted with nationwide safety paperwork, “I’ve been within the Oval Workplace with the president I’d be stunned if he has precise paperwork that rise to an instantaneous nationwide safety risk.”

 Keilar requested once more, “Effectively, the paperwork, simply to be clear, a number of units, and also you’re conscious of that since you’ve seen the property receipt. You’re casting doubt, you don’t have data on which to base that conclusion at this level, however you your self wouldn’t take house paperwork marked particular entry. You wouldn’t take house this delicate compartmented data?”

 Turner went again to attempting to counsel that the paperwork may need been mislabeled, “Bear in mind what I’m casting doubt on. It’s not — these are labeled that. We don’t know whether or not or not these are categorized and rise the extent. The second factor we don’t know is are they a nationwide safety risk? Legal professional Common Garland may have –”

Keilar requested, “Are you aware they’re not? Sir, have you learnt they’re not?”

Rep. Turner tried to salvage this dumpster fireplace, “Demanding Donald Trump ship the supplies to the courtroom. As an alternative, he spent 9 hours in his house. That rises to the best stage. We give them authority to be intrusive and invasive — “

Turner was then hit with hypocritical quotes about Hillary Clinton’s emails, and issues acquired worse for Republicans.

Rep. Turner tried to defend Trump taking classified documents, and he crashed and burned. He couldn’t give any logical cause for Trump to have the paperwork, admitted that he would by no means take the paperwork, and appeared like a hypocrite given his earlier feedback about Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Any Republican who tries to defend Trump outdoors of conservative media goes to face the identical destiny as Turner.

Republicans try to defend Trump probably committing espionage, and to say that it isn’t going effectively can be a large understatement.

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