Alabama ES&S Voting Machines Accepted *XEROXED* Ballots During Machine Testing


This previous weekend, Mike Lindell hosted the Second of Fact Summit in Springfield, MO.  Election integrity activists and specialists from across the nation had the chance to current their particular person states and discrepancies they’ve discovered.  All through this week, The Gateway Pundit can be highlighting a few of these states and their findings right here on the web site.

Many of those states you’ll have thought “properly, no less than we’ve _______.  That’s a GOP stronghold.  It’s hearth engine crimson!”  However it’s possible you’ll be shocked to learn the way even the reddest of states will be manipulated using these machines and unclean voter rolls.  Election integrity ought to by no means be a partisan concern.

The primary state is Alabama.  Angela Sheppard and Jackson Slyle offered for AL.  Their 6 min. presentation will be considered here.

Listed here are some highlights:

  • In a single county in Alabama, the ES&S voting machine accepted a Xeroxed copy of a mail-in poll throughout Logic and Accuracy testing.
  • Somewhat than handle this very severe vulnerability. the ES&S consultant informed them there’s no method folks would do that and that you’d see folks feeding xeroxed ballots via the machines.
  • They determined to do this experiment in one other county (believed to be Baldwin County) and took a poll to a print store to make copies.  The print store ought to have refused to print copies of a authorized US poll, however fairly requested “what number of copies do you want?” as an alternative.
  • The machines in a second county accepted xeroxed copies.  Higher but: these ballots had been “formed” to suit with scissors and nonetheless accepted!
  • It must be made into regulation {that a} print store can’t knowingly print copies of an official poll now that we all know these machines will settle for a copied (counterfeit) poll.
  • Seven completely different precincts of their investigation had extra votes than voters when evaluating the Poll Accounting Certificates with the tabulator tapes.

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