Astounding NBC Column Blasts Democrats as Election Deniers, Telling the Original ‘Big Lie’ About Trump’s 2016 Victory


They say a broken clock is right at least twice a day – and NBC News must have landed on the exact right time on Monday.

In a shocking move, the outlet published a column pointing out the reality that Democrats paved the way for the ‘Big Lie’ by playing the role of Election Deniers following Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election victory.

You may recall all the Russiagate stuff, intrepid reader.

The column, written by Lev Golinkin, who came to the United States as a child refugee from the former Soviet Union, points to instances of repeated election denialism many years after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

More importantly, he notes that Trump’s refusal to accept the 2020 election results was the “second Big Lie” only made possible by the actions taken by Democrats after 2016.

“The 2016 election denial paved the way for Trump’s lies four years later,” the column reads. “It’s far past time we acknowledged this.”

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Democrats: The Original Election Deniers

Fortunately for readers of The Political Insider, we have acknowledged the fact that Democrats were the original Election Deniers™, having objected to the election results in 2016 officially and during the proceedings certifying electoral votes 11 times.

But having NBC News point this out is remarkable. Having them do so on the eve of an election Democrats have staked as a vote to save democracy from Republican Election Deniers is otherworldly.

And yet, here we have Golinkin revealing the truth.

While he doesn’t address the objections to certifying the 2016 results, something Democrats now define as “insurrection,” the author points out how top politicians from Hillary Clinton, to Chuck Schumer, and on to Nancy Pelosi crafted a narrative to cast doubt on Trump’s legitimacy for years – and for years to come.

Trump voters, Golinkin points out, “were told, over and over, by senior members of the Democratic Party that their president — and therefore their vote — was, at least partly, illegitimate, that their vote may have been controlled by Russia.”

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Media Helped Play a Role

The NBC News column also points out the media’s role in covering up Democrats’ actions as Election Deniers while thoroughly amplifying Republican doubts.

“The GOP’s 2020 denialism has been met with robust and rigorous debunking,” the column states. “Fact-checks of the 2016 denialism were far more anemic and all too often unchallenged.” Behold:

How insane are Trump’s claims that “millions of ballots” were altered or that dead people “voted” in Michigan? Just as insane as the claims that the KGB recruited Trump in the 1980s or that a bank server in Trump Tower was beeping and booping secret messages to Moscow or that Vladimir Putin had a hidden blackmail tape of Trump being urinated on by prostitutes?

In fact, it took the media years to finally acknowledge the Steele dossier was a bogus document full of salacious lies. And they did so grudgingly.

In the end, Golinkin claims that election denialism from 2016 and beyond did not exactly equate to Trump’s actions, although it did pave the way.

That said, don’t for a minute let anyone cast doubt that Democrats undermining of the election results in 2016 did not lead to violence in Washington, D.C.

It most certainly did.

They may not have swarmed the Capitol complex, but there was violence in the streets and Democrat lawmakers were most assuredly trying to “obstruct, influence, impede or delay” the certification of the presidential election, just as Republicans are accused of doing on January 6.

“Until we truthfully admit our mistakes, any attempts to reassure voters about election integrity will be framed as nothing more than hypocrisy,” the NBC News column concludes.

It’s not framing, sir. It’s actual tangible hypocrisy that the left has been engaging in for decades.

Come to think of it, when taking the Al Gore/George W. Bush election denialism into account, we’re pretty much on to the ‘third Big Lie.’

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