Biden Administration Expanding Illegal Immigration at Southern Border by Giving Illegals


The Biden Administration is now vastly abusing the immigration process by preapproving illegal aliens for entry to the US while in Mexico.   

The Biden Administration is hell-bent on flooding the US with illegal immigrants across the Southern Border.  The current immigration policies in the US are not good enough for Obama and Biden.  So these corrupt politicians have done all they can to allow illegal immigrants, without jobs, funding, health checks, or criminal background checks invade the country.

The Center for Immigration Studies released a report on a new method of illegal immigration promoted by the Biden Administration, where illegals are given access to the US while in Mexico.

Rather than having to pay smugglers to cross the Rio Grande, illegal immigrants are now given safe passage while still in Mexico.

This looks to be part of a purposeful strategy to create work-arounds to court-ordered expulsion policies but also to reduce politically painful illegal crossing statistics by channeling ever more people through these legalized crossings. While neither DHS nor the White House has publicized this legalized entrance program,DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has repeatedly telegraphed it in his oft-stated intentions to create “legal pathways” as part of the administration’s overarching “safe, orderly, and humane” vision for southern border immigration.

“Those who attempt to cross the southern border of the United States illegally will be returned. Those who follow the lawful process … will have the opportunity to travel safely to the United States and become eligible to work here,” Mayorkas said October 13 (Minute 22:01 to 22:17) in reference to the June 2022 signing of the Los Angeles Declaration for Migration and Protection at the Summit for the America’s Conference.

“This advances the Biden administration’s pledge under the Los Angeles Declaration for Migration and Protection to expand legal pathways as an alternative to irregular and dangerous migration.”

Below is a video from the Center for Immigration Studies showing Biden’s new effort to make it easier for illegal aliens to make it into the US.  Here is a summary of the video (emphasis added):

Out of the sight of news drone cameras, invisible to the American public, and absent from the border apprehension statistics, a new, legally questionable, system of providing immigrants entry to the United States has been rapidly expanding. A new Center report, with accompanying video, describes how the Biden administration, under the authority of “humanitarian or significant public benefit parole”, is admitting “legally” those who had intended to cross illegally, with the help of the Mexican government and non-profit migrant advocate volunteers.

Immigration parole is a very limited authority allowing the president to admit aliens who have no visa or other permission to enter. The Biden administration has been massively abusing it to run what amounts to an alternative immigration program. But up to now, the abuse of parole has been confined to people who have already illegally crossed the border. Under this new initiative, the Department of Homeland Security pre-approves applicants for humanitarian parole while they are still in Mexico, and then Mexico escorts them daily to hand-offs at ports of entry to the Americans who admit them sight unseen into the interior.

Beneficiaries are granted work authorization and the right to apply for asylum. Todd Bensman, the Center’s senior national security fellow and author of the report, said, “Word of this new pathway to the United States has spread quickly, and thousands are swamping Mexican shelters. During my field research, I had access to the Mexican side of the operation in both Tijuana and Mexicali where Mexican officials enter the selected immigrant into the CBP-ONE data portal so the Americans can pre-approve them for hand-off at the border crossing – Mexican immigration buses pick up the migrants and deliver them to the Americans. Fraud and corruption are already prevalent.”

This is a work-around to evade court-ordered expulsion policies and appears to be funneling immigrants into the United States through ports of entry from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico and has operations well south of the American border. “The Biden administration’s perversion of immigration parole and disregard for decades of congressional intent has reached a new low in cynically laundering the status of would be illegal aliens so they won’t be counted as border apprehensions,” said George Fishman, the Center’s senior legal fellow. “This degradation of the rule of law can be controlled by either a federal court enjoining the widespread abuse of the parole power or Congress defunding the mischief.”

See video below:

Hat tip Bob Bishop

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