Biden Angers China Yet Again


As Individuals, we’re accustomed to our dementia-ridden commander-in-chief misspeaking and upsetting battle with main world powers. He practically declared battle on Russia, however the White Home backtracked. The White Home is now redacting nearly all the things that got here out of Joe Biden’s mouth throughout his “60 Minutes” interview.

China shouldn’t be going to let a remark by “Uncle Joe” go with out warning. Joe Biden mentioned that US forces, women and men, would defend Taiwan if China invaded. That is worse than Nancy Pelosi’s journey to Taiwan because it utterly disregards prior US-China relations and the One China coverage. It doesn’t matter if the US agrees with the One China coverage, nevertheless it should respect it and preserve diplomatic relations with China, its prime buying and selling accomplice, whereas it restores its declining financial system. This coverage has been in place since 1979, and Joe Biden is the primary to violate the settlement.

Chinese language overseas ministry spokesperson Mao Ning reacted as anticipated to Biden’s menace. “The US remarks … severely violate the important commitment the U.S. made not to support Taiwan independence, and send a seriously erroneous signal to Taiwanese separatist independence forces,” Mao mentioned. Mao mentioned that China seeks a “peaceable reunification” with Taiwan. “On the identical time, we’ll by no means tolerate any actions geared toward splitting the nation, and reserve the selection to take all vital measures.”

Joe Biden additionally gave Individuals false hope by declaring that the pandemic was over. I believe most of us realized it was over when the loss of life fee was a zero 0.02%, and the vaccines did nothing to forestall an infection or transmission. The White Home got here out to make clear that it has not modified its stance on COVID – emergency powers stay in place.

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