Biden Had Another Potential Spy Balloon Shot Down Over Alaska – PoliticusUSA


The Biden administration’s John Kirby announced that Biden ordered another high-altitude object flying over Alaska to be shot down, and it was.


Kirby said when asked about the rumors of another Chinese spy balloon flying over Alaska, “I can confirm the Department of Defense was tracking a high-altitude object over Alaska airspace in the last 24 hours. The object was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. Out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of the Pentagon, even ordered the military to down the object and they did. It came inside our territorial waters. Those waters right now are frozen but inside territorial airspace and over territorial waters. The fighter aircraft was assigned, and U.S. Northern command took down the object within the last hour.”

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Republicans will have a difficult time complaining that Biden didn’t act fast enough to shoot down a potential threat as there was no waiting when a smaller object entered US airspace and it was shot down.

It is currently unknown whether the most recent object was another Chinese spy balloon, but the item was suspicious enough that the administration took no chances and took it out.

For the record, Trump allowed three Chinese spy balloons at least to fly over the United States with no consequences. Biden has shot down one spy balloon and potentially a second. For Joe Biden, America first isn’t a slogan. It’s his job.

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