Biden’s Doctor Says He’s “Healthy” and “Vigorous”


(Above Joe Biden turns to shake someone’s hand and no one is there after reading and mumbling through another “speech”)

Joe Biden is doing great says his doctor after performing a physical exam on the senile old man. 

Far-left Politico reports:

The White House released Joe Biden’s health report on Thursday, describing an 80-year-old president who is “healthy,” “vigorous” and “fit to successfully execute the duties” of his office.

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It was the president’s second annual physical at Walter Reed Medical Center since taking office and comes just before a widely expected announcement for a reelection bid. Biden, the oldest person ever elected to the White House, has been subject to questions of his mental acuity and age — an attack line his challengers are likely to lean into on the campaign trail.

“President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief,” Kevin O’Connor, the president’s physician, wrote in his health summary.

The doctor should lose his license.  The report goes on to say:

The president weighed in at 178 pounds — down six pounds from his last physical — and stands 6 feet tall. He still works out five days a week, the doctor said, and does not drink alcohol or use tobacco products.

There was no mention of what drugs, if any, Biden takes in order to stay awake and read his speeches.

Biden’s White House Press Secretary,  Karine Jean-Pierre says:

“If you watch him, you’ll see that he has a grueling schedule that he keeps up with — that sometimes some of us are not able to keep up with,” she said.

FOX News reported on the exam as well:

Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel asked Tucker Carlson on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday how Biden’s doctors arrived at those results without a complete battery of testing.

Dr. Siegel highlighted Biden’s “stiff gait” saying “it is sometimes a sign of cognitive problems.” The explanation for the stiff gait in the president’s physical was attributed to “peripheral neuropathy, meaning loss of sensation in his feet,” however, Biden’s doctors “don’t know where that’s coming from,” according to Dr. Siegel. “They’re basing that on a physical examination of multiple doctors but no MRI, I don’t see anywhere in there about an MRI.”

“This physical exam is more significant for what it leaves out than what it actually tells us,” Dr. Siegel said.

Another doctor on FOX News asked about Biden’s mental and emotional results in the exam.

Biden was deemed to be “healthy” and “vigorous” in his latest physical conducted Thursday but medical experts pointed out his doctor didn’t mention the president’s mental status.

Speaking with Fox News Digital after examining the results of the exam, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, a family and emergency medical professional and Fox News contributor, questioned how Biden performed on his “mini mental status exam.”

“How did he do on that? What was his score? I would like to know,” she said. “Physical mental emotional health are all as equally important.

It’s what wasn’t said that is the key.  These people lie outright or lie through omission.  America and the entire world know that this senile old man couldn’t pass a cognitive test given to a 5-year-old. 

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