Bill Barr Joins Bill Maher to Trash President Trump and Revive His Reputation with the Left


This was just bat sh** crazy. 

Former Head of the DOJ under President Trump, Bill Barr joined far left “comedian” Bill Maher in one of the craziest discussions on record.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr ended the corrupt Mueller attempted coup by his good friend and former FBI Director Robert Mueller.  Mueller and Barr have attended family weddings with each other.

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Barr allowed the Mueller gang to walk away from the seditious crimes he and his gang committed over a three to four-year time frame where they seditiously attempted to remove President Trump from office in a planned and coordinated coup.  To date, none of the criminals involved in this coup have been arrested or charged with sedition or treason.

Barr promised to get to the bottom of the Mueller sham but nothing happened. An investigation was created with John Durham overseeing the coup attempt, but it appears to be anotherploy by the Deep State to cover up their crimes rather than to bring DOJ and Deep State criminals to justice.

Next, Barr sat silently and allowed the ultimate coup of President Trump.  He sat back and did nothing when the 2020 Election was stolen from the President and the people.  Barr said he investigated the various criminal activities in multiple swing states but we now know this was a lie.  He investigated nothing.  He would not even send in the FBI to Philadelphia when they locked the doors on GOP observers for several days while they manufactured nearly a million ballots.

MORE EVIDENCE: FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claimed

Barr now is on TV taking credit for not looking into the 2020 Election steal.  He joined Bill Maher on his show on HBO.

The Daily Caller captured part of this discussion:

HBO comedian Bill Maher called Barr “shady” for allegedly mischaracterizing the report after former FBI director Robert Mueller released his findings from the investigation on Russian collusion. The former attorney general said in 2019 that there was no evidence that former President Donald Trump committed “obstruction of justice.”

“That’s not what Mueller said,” Maher told Barr. “He said, ‘if we had confidence, that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would have so stated.’ I feel like that was shady, Bill. I just had to get it off my chest.”

“On March 5, when he told me what he was doing, I said you have to give me a report that I can make public quickly. It has to be redacted,” Barr said. “Because the day you give me the report, everyone’s gonna be speculating—”

“I heard he did you give that,” Maher interjected.

“No, he did not,” the former attorney general said.

The reason this corrupt Deep State DOJ didn’t charge President Trump with a crime is that he didn’t commit one.

The individuals who committed the crimes were the Hillary gang and the Deep State.  It was all a setup based on a lie.  Barr didn’t mention that for some reason.

Maher again made the claim that Barr investigated “one of the most honest elections ever” and this was a lie.  The 2020 Election never should have been certified, it was broken from start to finish.

This is where we are today.

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