Calls For Investigation Into The FBI Grow After New Smoking Gun Evidence Revealed Against Brett Kavanaugh


Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) is calling for the House to investigate the FBI’s refusal to investigate the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, as a new documentary reveals smoking gun evidence of Kavanaugh sexual assault.

Rep. Torres tweeted:

The Wrap reported that the documentary Justice contains new evidence against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh:

The film also surfaces a smoking gun: Max Stier, a suitemate of Kavanaughs’ at Yale, left a phone recording for the FBI, played in the documentary, in which he recalled learning at Yale of a incident involving a “very drunk” Kavanaugh with his pants down, having a female freshman hold his penis, while laughing.

The woman’s name was redacted, and the film said she has elected not to come forward.

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FBI Director Chris Wray admitted while testifying before Congress in 2022 that the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh were never investigated.
Wray told the Senate, “I apologize that in advance that it’s been frustrating for you, we’ve tried to be clear about our process, so when it comes to the tip line, we wanted to make sure that the White House had all the information we have so when the hundreds of calls started coming in we gathered those up reviewed them and provided them to the White House without investigation.”

The FBI never investigated the allegations against Kavanaugh. They forwarded the allegations to the Trump White House.

It was a fraud designed to give Senate Republicans political cover to vote to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. However, the truth can’t be buried forever. It is coming to the surface. Kavanaugh should be investigated, and if he is found to have committed acts of sexual assault, he should be removed from the bench.

Since removal requires impeachment and the odds of House Republicans voting to impeach Kavanaugh is close to zero, Democrats should build the case against Kavanaugh so that if they have full control of the federal government, they can immediately move forward with getting him out of the Supreme Court.

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