CDC Lifts Warning on Cruise Ship Travel


By Robert Preidt and Robin Foster HealthDay Reporters

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, March 31, 2022 (HealthDay Information) — A two-year advisory that warned Individuals towards happening cruises has been dropped by the U.S. Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention.

The company first warned Individuals towards cruise ship journey in 2020 on the peak of the pandemic, and final 12 months mentioned there was an elevated danger of getting contaminated when on the crowded vessels, CBS Information reported.

“Whereas cruising will at all times pose some danger of COVID-19 transmission, vacationers will make their very own danger evaluation when selecting to journey on a cruise ship, very similar to they do in all different journey settings,” in response to a CDC assertion issued Wednesday.

The company nonetheless advises passengers to get up-to-date vaccinations earlier than boarding a cruise ship, and it suggests vacationers seek the advice of with a physician in the event that they’re immunocompromised or at greater danger for extreme sickness.

The CDC’s choice to carry the journey advisory “acknowledges the efficient public well being measures in place on cruise ships and begins to stage the enjoying area, between cruise and equally located venues on land, for the primary time since March 2020,” business group Cruise Traces Worldwide Affiliation (CLIA) mentioned in a statement.

Earlier this 12 months, Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean lifted their masks mandates as COVID-related instances and deaths declined throughout the USA, CBS Information reported.

Final summer season, cruise strains added vaccination and testing necessities to ships that set sail from U.S. ports. However the necessities have not prevented passengers from catching the virus: An unknown variety of passengers and crew members aboard a Princess Cruise ship in California examined optimistic final weekend whereas taking a 15-day cruise to the Panama Canal.

Cruise strains had been rife with COVID-19 outbreaks within the early days of the pandemic. The variety of individuals reserving cruises plummeted through the pandemic and cruise corporations collectively misplaced $63 billion and shed 1000’s of jobs in 2020 and 2021, CBS Information reported.

Extra info

Go to the U.S. Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention for extra on COVID and cruise ship journey.

SOURCE: CBS Information

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