Chinese Spy Balloon May Have Had American-Made Parts- Biden Regime Didn’t See the Problem with It


Joe Biden allowed a Chinese spy balloon capable of collecting communication signals to fly over the continental U.S. for a full week before finally ordering its destruction off the South Carolina coast. Now there exists a possibility our own manufacturing allowed the CCP to spy on us.

Fox News reported on Thursday that the spy balloon had Western parts with English writing on it. The Biden regime also refused to rule out the possibility the Chinese spied on us with our help.

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Republican senators say that administration officials didn’t dismiss the possibility that U.S. manufacturing aided in construction of the Chinese surveillance balloon in a classified briefing with senators on Thursday.

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Following a classified briefing Thursday with officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) the Department of Defense (DOD) and the State Department, Senators Josh Hawley, R-Mo., and Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska., said that the question of whether American companies helped build the Chinese surveillance balloon was raised in the briefing, and the officials didn’t answer definitively.

“American companies shouldn’t be helping build spy satellites that are used against their own citizens,” Sullivan told reporters at the Capitol after the briefing. “Maybe there’s nothing to be said about that,” he said, “but somebody asked about it, and nobody, nobody in that briefing said, ‘oh, it’s not a problem.’”

“I don’t think there was any definitive answer on that. But…the question was asked by a senator and, you know, I think that that’s, that’s a very, a very disturbing possibility,” Hawley said.

“Obviously, the other thing that it made was crystal clear from this briefing was how unprepared, totally unprepared the administration and frankly, the Pentagon was for this to happen,” he said.

However, the State Department said earlier Thursday: “We are confident that the balloon manufacturer has a direct relationship with China’s military and is an approved vendor of the PLA, according to information published in an official procurement portal for the PLA.”

The officials who led Thursday’s briefing included Morgan Muir, deputy director for mission integration for ODNI; Dr. Colin Kahl, undersecretary of defense policy for DOD; Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims II, director of operations of the Joint Staff; Gen. Van Herck, commander of United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command; and Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State.

Provided this is true, no one should be shocked. Corrupt politicians in both parties including Biden colluded to completely gut our manufacturing base by outsourcing millions of manufacturing jobs to China.

This is the price America pays for allowing Biden, a Chinese vassal, to seize power. The humiliation will continue until he is removed from office.

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