Colorado’s Democrat Governor Caves Already, Stops Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, Chicago


Democrat Governor of Colorado Jared Polis has announced an end to his plan to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities such as Chicago and New York City.

The move comes after just a few hundred were actually relocated and following a letter from mayors Lori Lightfoot and Eric Adams expressing outrage at the strategy.

The Political Insider reported on Polis’ plan last week.

“People fleeing violence and oppression in search of a better life for themselves and their families deserve our respect not political games and we are grateful we have been able to assist migrants to reach their final destination,” he said of the program.

“We refuse to keep people against their will if they desire to travel elsewhere.”

RELATED: Report: Democrat Governor of Colorado Will Start Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC

Colorado Will Stop Sending Illegal Immigrants to Sanctuary Cities

Just a few days later and Polis has pulled an about-face, seemingly caving to a strongly-worded letter and a conversation with Lightfoot and Adams.

Where once he ‘refused to keep people against their will,’ he now seems open to doing so.

“We have seen your statements in the media that you are simply accommodating the wishes of migrants to come to cities like New York City and Chicago,” the two far-left Democrats wrote.

“However, you are sending migrants and families to New York City and Chicago that do not have any ties, family members or community networks to welcome them.”

What a ridiculous argument. Do they have more ‘ties, family members or community networks to welcome them’ in Colorado? Do they have them in any other state they happen to cross illegally into?

Adams had whined that Polis’ move to ship illegal immigrants out of Colorado to cities that had previously expressed their love and support for them was just as bad as Republican governors in other states doing the same.

“One time we had to deal with Republican governors sending migrants to New York. Now we’re dealing with Democratic governors sending migrants to New York,” New York City’s mayor said last week.

“What’s callous is how we have been ignored as a city,” he added. “And now I have to make tough decisions on the resources of New York … it is time for the federal government to step up.”

It is a far cry from the song Adams was singing not too long ago.

RELATED: Report: Biden Accused of Sending ‘Clandestine’ Flights of Migrant Children to New York

Lightfoot and Adams Are No Longer the Welcoming Mayors They Claimed to Be

Adams, of course, isn’t the only hypocrite in this equation. Lightfoot too was a tough-talking sanctuary proponent back in the days of Trump, only to get smacked in the face with reality when illegal immigrants started overrunning the city’s resources.

“We are a city that is a sanctuary city. We have immigrants from all over the world who call Chicago their home,” she has previously said

“They’ll continue to do that, and we’re going to continue to make sure that this is truly a welcoming community for those immigrants and we want them to come to the city of Chicago.”

News flash – She doesn’t want them to come to Chicago anymore.

Why? Because, as the letter to Polis states, it comes “at a time where both cities are at maximum capacity in shelter space and available services.”

Odd, we didn’t know there were only certain times that these cities would be ‘sanctuaries.’

Border states and cities don’t get the option of limiting who comes in and when as the Biden administration has kept the border open essentially from day one of his first term.

Polis tells CNN that the last busload of illegal immigrants arriving in New York City from Colorado was on Sunday, while no others had been scheduled for Chicago.

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