Comedian Sues AOC For Blocking Him On Twitter – Cites Court Ruling That Barred Trump From Blocking People


Comedian Alex Stein is not taking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez sitting down.

He is now suing AOC.

AOC blocked Stein after he heckled her on the steps of the US Capitol last July.

The Daily Mail reported:

Political provocateur and satirist Alex Stein is suing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for blocking him on Twitter after he heckled her in front of the U.S. Capitol.

Calling the New York Progressive his ‘favorite big booty Latina’ as she walked into the complex, Stein also shouted about AOC’s support for abortion, which he called killing babies.

‘She wants to kill babies but she’s still beautiful,’ he said as he recorded. ‘You look very beautiful in that dress. You look very sexy. Look at that booty on AOC.’

‘Look how sexy she looks in that dress. Oooh, I love it AOC. Hot, hot, hot like a tamale.’

The ruling Stein cites is one against Donald Trump — which said his blocking of people on Twitter was a First Amendment violation.

This ruling was reversed by the Supreme Court in 2021 because Trump was no longer President.

AOC previously had to settle a case against Dov Hikind, a former Brooklyn assemblyman, who she blocked.

The Post Millenial reported:

Comedian Alex Stein filed a lawsuit against New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Wednesday for blocking him on Twitter, citing a federal court case from 2019 that found Donald Trump, when he was president, violated the constitutional rights of those he blocked on Twitter, according to CNBC.

“I love and care about this country so much,” Stein told The Post Millennial, “that I am able to put aside my political differences and try to come to the table with all politicians especially AOC because we align on more things than she probably thinks and I want to be able to communicate with her through Twitter because it’s the modern day digital town hall and political free speech is the most important protected speech in my opinion.”

CNBC reports after the ruling in the case against Trump, Ocasio-Cortez settled a case with Dov Hikind, a former Brooklyn assemblyman, whom she had blocked on Twitter. She also apologized to Hikind, who she blocked after he had posted several critical responses to some of her tweets.

In 2021, the US Supreme Court reversed the ruling against Trump because by then he was a private citizen. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals said Trump’s blocks on Twitter were First Amendment violations and were predicated on his status as president.

Alex Stein tweeted this:

If Trump can’t block people as President then AOC can’t block people as an elected official!

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