Connecticut Will Pay ‘Security Analyst’ $150,000 To Police Election-Related Memes


The battle to find out what precisely is “misinformation” earlier than the November midterm election is on.

However the even larger query is, who will get to resolve what’s or isn’t misinformation?

The state of Connecticut thinks they’ve a solution: a “safety analyst” whose job it will be to monitor and “deal with” on-line data. 

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New Place

The New York Occasions stories that the safety analyst will go to websites akin to 4-chan, Gettr, and Rumble that are described as “fringe,” and “far proper.”

The analyst will then snitch on any problematic memes or rumors they discover to different social media firms. Consider the whiniest little brother in a crowded back-of-the-car, however this one will get paid $150,000.

The cash comes from a set-aside within the state finances, which explains: “Over the previous few election cycles, malicious international actors have demonstrated the motivation and functionality to considerably disrupt election actions, thus undermining public confidence within the equity and accuracy of election outcomes.”

So along with browsing “far-right” web sites, the “safety analyst” can even presumably be looking out for well-known hacker Vladimir Putin.

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Not The First

Connecticut isn’t the primary state both. Colorado has a “Speedy Response Election Safety Cyber Unit.” It not only oversees what goes on online, but in addition identifies “cyber-attacks, international interference, and disinformation campaigns.”

Different states like Arizona, California, Idaho, and Oregon are on the lookout for methods to counter what they view as on-line misinformation.

After all, ostensibly non-public social media firms have already been deciding what persons are allowed to see. 

Earlier this month, Google and YouTube introduced that they would be changing certain algorithms to advertise materials they need customers to see and throttle what they don’t need customers to see.

Twitter stated it will be giving labels to sure candidates, and releasing one thing Orwellianly termed “pre-bunks” in an effort to “pre-debunk” alleged “disinformation.” 

In different phrases, all put collectively, the web will likely be much more policed and fewer free than the previous few years.

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Who Will get To Resolve?

Whereas the vast majority of Individuals no matter political affiliation solely need truthful and sincere elections, all the premise of “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and who will get to find out what’s what’s an especially unsettling one.

The Biden administration has already tried it in the form of something called the “Disinformation Governance Board.” Again in April, a lady named Nina Jancowicz was tapped to be its Govt Director.

Only one drawback. Jancowicz herself had unfold disinformation by giving credence to the false claims that Hunter Biden’s laptop computer was “Russian disinformation.”

She additionally stated of an effort by the RNC to recruit ballot watchers for the 2020 presidential election, “These types of national-level requires folks to indicate up are a recipe, frankly, for intimidation and violence.”

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