Conservative House Republican Victoria Spartz Won’t Seek Reelection In 2024


Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana has announced that she will not seek reelection in 2024.

This is a major diappointment as Spartz is one of the true conservatives serving in Congress. She claims that she needs more time to spend raising her children, which is understandable, but it’s still sad to know she is leaving the House.

Hopefully, she will continue to be a voice for the right.

Newsmax reports:

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GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz First to Announce Exit, 3 Months After Reelection

From Washington, D.C., to Fort Wayne, Indiana, Republicans and quite a few Democrats and independents were left speechless by the news Friday that two-term Rep. Victoria Spartz, R-Ind., would not seek reelection in 2024.

The lone member of Congress born in Ukraine told reporters that, at 44, “being a working mom is tough, and I need to spend more time with my two high school girls back home, so I will not run for any office in 2024.”

Spartz had previously hinted she might consider a run for the Hoosier State’s U.S. Senate seat next year.

In becoming the first U.S. representative to declare retirement — and only three months after she won her second term — Spartz continues a growing trend of lawmakers leaving after a brief tenure rather than accumulating seniority, a pattern for generations of previous House members.

“She probably found that Congress was not what she signed up for,” one retired House staffer told Newsmax, adding the long hours and weekly commute to one’s home district is increasingly stressful for modern House members.

Watch a recent House speech from Spartz below:

As a legal immigrant to America, Spartz understands freedom better than many members of the House who were born here.

It will be very sad to see her go.

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