Conservative Latinos Once Voted For Dems — Recent Polling Shows a 65 Point Swing to Republicans


Rep. Maya Flores from Texas

In 2012, 49% of self-described conservative Latinos stated that they most popular Democrats controlling Congress.

A 2022 NBC Information/Telemundo ballot discovered that 73% of conservative Latinos now say that they like Republicans controlling Congress.

Average Latinos went from D+49 to D+32  whereas Liberal Latinos went from D+65 to D+80.

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NBC News reported: 

Of all of the numbers from our current NBC Information/Telemundo ballot of Latino voters, this set perhaps stands out essentially the most: Conservative Latinos have gone from Democratic-leaning voters in 2012 to Republican base voters now.

Within the merged NBC Information/Wall Avenue Journal polls of 2012, 49% of self-described conservative Latinos stated they most popular Democratic management of Congress, versus 40% who wished Republicans in cost — a 9-point edge for Democrats.

However in our Sept. 2022 NBC Information/Telemundo ballot, a whopping 73% of conservative Latinos say they like Republicans in charge of Congress, versus 17% preferring Democrats — a 56-point benefit for the GOP.

That’s a internet 65-point swing in a decade, and it helps to clarify how Republicans have minimize into Democrats’ lead amongst Latino voters.

Donald Trump headlined the Hispanic Management Convention on Wednesday.

One supporter stated she was glad to see Trump as a result of “I imagine in what he believes in values and household in management neighborhood and Latinos who work exhausting.”

Local 10 reported:

The Hispanic Management Convention is being held on the InterContinental Miami Lodge.

“(I’m) glad to see him as a result of I imagine in what he believes in values and household in management neighborhood and Latinos who work exhausting,” supporter Marcela Reydoles stated.

The gathering comes as Republicans hope to drive up engagement with Hispanic voters.

“We undoubtedly expect him to handle particularly the significance of Hispanic engagement not solely in presidential campaigns, (however) the midterm and native elections as nicely,” supporter Max Morgan stated.

Big shift!

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