Crazy NYT’s Maggie Haberman Still Claims to Know What’s Going on Inside President Trump’s Head


Crazy Maggie Haberman has released numerous false reports and statements over the past few years claiming to know what’s going on inside President Trump’s head.  She’s at it again.

The far-left New York Times and Washington Post both received Pulitzers for their ‘reporting’ of the Trump-Russia collusion lies.  We now know this entire story was false and was created by the Hillary campaign.  We also know that not only was this a false story (i.e. fake news) that these outlets repeated for years, but the Hillary team also was spying on candidate and President Trump.  President Trump sued Pulitzer for awarding fake news reporting that was all based on lies.

President Trump Sends Official Letter to Pulitzer Committee to Revoke 2018 Journalism Award to Fake News Reporters at NY Times and Washington Post

Maggie Haberman was one of those ‘reporters’ who hated President Trump and pushed the many lies about him.  President Trump called her out in March 2018.

PRESIDENT TRUMP Hits “Hillary Flunky” Maggie Haberman After Latest #FakeNews Report — And He’s Right!


Haberman came out with a book last year and in it, she claims that President Trump flushed papers down the toilet at the White House.  President Trump didn’t like this lie either.  He responded:

Former President Donald Trump is calling foul on New York Times reporter and author Maggie Haberman’s upcoming book about him, “Confidence Man,” saying her claim that he used to flush documents down the White House toilet and frequently clog the pipes in the process is a figment of her creative imagination.

Trump called into Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” Saturday morning and, of course, co-host Will Cain was sure to ask about that dirty little detail.

“The big takeaway is that you have ripped up papers and flushed them down the toilet. What is your reaction on what you’re hearing on other mainstream media channels in this book by Maggie Haberman?” Cain asked.

“Yeah, it’s fake news and she’s a fake writer,” Trump prefaced, following up with a lengthy tirade about the veteran journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner.

“It’s a totally false story. She made it up,” he continued. “I don’t believe they have sources. Who is going to be a source for that anyway? Who would know that? There is no source. They make it up. You know, they oftentimes, these fake writers like her, they act like they know me like she knows me. I haven’t spoken to her in a very, very long time. She knows me no better than any other writer. They write books like they know and then they make things like that up. There would be no way of her knowing if it were the fact. There would be no way of her understanding that or knowing it. But it’s a totally fake story made up by her, as much of the news is.”

President Trump issued a statement on Maggie Haberman at that time.  Again, Trump crushed her.  Her actions however show that she doesn’t care and might even like getting attention from the President.  The President shared the following:

Hillary Clinton used these fake lies to slander President Trump too.  This comes as an investigation of her gang’s actions against President Trump show that she was behind the Russia Collusion lie and she was behind spying on Trump.

Lock Her Up: Hillary Clinton Trolls Trump on Fake News Reports He Illegally Destroyed White House Documents After Leaving Office

Hillary and Haberman are two peas in an evil pod.

This morning the New York Times reporter David Leonhardt share some comments from Haberman per his discussion with her:

David: You’ve reported that Trump and his aides were surprised by the news and didn’t expect an indictment for a few weeks — if at all. What’s the atmosphere like at Mar-a-Lago on the days after?

Maggie: They’re still trying to assess what is happening on a few fronts. One is the political front, which I’d say they were most prepared on.

Another is the legal front, which is messy because his team has had a lot of infighting, and there’s finger-pointing about why they were so caught off guard. The lawyers also don’t yet know the charges because it’s a sealed indictment.

Finally, there is the emotional front. While Trump is not said to be throwing things, he is extremely angry and his family is, not surprisingly, rattled.

The NYT and Haberman are pieces of work.  Who even trusts them anymore?

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