Democrat Mouthpiece Says MAGA Wants to Destroy the Country and Joe Biden Wants to Reach Across Aisle (VIDEO)


“Make the lie huge, make it easy, hold saying it, and ultimately they may consider it.”
Joseph Goebbels

Democrats have determined to institute the Goebbels plan of communication for this yr’s midterm election.

Joe Biden is the worst president in US historical past.

** Inflation is at 40 YEAR HIGHS — and it’s NOT receding!
** Fuel Costs are the very best they’ve ever been beneath Joe Biden — And it is a direct results of his anti-energy insurance policies.
** Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban and armed them with $80 billion in US arms.

TRENDING: “Everything in Your Life Financially and Economically is Changing in the Last 72 hours” – Steve Bannon on Implications of Biden’s Economy

Together with 600,000 weapons and 200 plane!

** The Biden regime KNEW there was an Islamist bomber within the crowd on the Kabul Airport however did nothing. This resulted in 13 lifeless younger American!
** The Islamist bomber was launched from Bagram jail after Joe Biden deserted the necessary US asset.
** Joe Biden declared open battle on his political opposition in notorious Moloch speech.
** Joe Biden opened the border to 2 million unlawful aliens – simply this yr!
** Joe Biden allowed tons of unlawful medication entry into the nation by way of the open border inflicting over 100,000 deaths!
** Joe Biden pushed the US financial system into recession in 18 brief months.
** The US is now three straight quarters of financial decline.

Actually, each single coverage transfer by the Biden regime has ruined the nation. It’s so clearly evident that it have to be on function.

So what does the Biden regime do?

The declare MAGA Republicans, who are usually not in energy, are destroying America.

After which they comply with that up with the Joe Biden desires to achieve throughout the aisle.

Watch Senior Advisor to Joe Biden Keisha Lance Bottoms spew this lie on MSNBC on Sunday morning.

Give it a relaxation, Keisha.

By way of Midnight Rider.

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