Democrats Receive Billions in Dark Money and GOP and Government Don’t Seem to Care


The Democrats are being funded by dark money and no one knows where it came from.  

The Democrats are funding their operations and campaigns with dark money.  This money is flowing everywhere.

Dark money is used to support far-left media outlets attempting to be relevant.  The Gateway Pundit uncovered that media outlets in Arizona and elsewhere are funded by the Hopewell Fund and Arabella Advisors.

EXCLUSIVE: The Arizona Mirror – The Far-Left Outlet That Creates Far-Left Narratives in Arizona Is Connected to Dark Money

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Arabella Advisors is the Democrat dark money machine.  It funds all things left with money that comes from unknown sources.

Real Clear Politics reported this week:

Secretive liberal dark-money groups spent hundreds of millions of dollars to boost Democrats’ 2022 midterm ground game, pushing the limits of election law while helping to reduce an expected red Republican wave to little more than a ripple.

Still smarting from the underwhelming midterm results, some Republicans are calling on party leaders to replicate those turnout efforts on the right or risk continued disappointments at the ballot box. But doing so is no easy task, veteran GOP operatives argue, especially considering Democrats’ reliance on union foot soldiers for tactical operations, and the sheer magnitude of the money and complex infrastructure their side is devoting to the effort.

By mid-2021, the latest tax filings available, the nation’s largest liberal dark-money network had already raked in some $1.5 billion for the midterm elections. The final number is almost certainly much higher, as groups affiliated with Arabella Advisors, a D.C. consulting firm that works with a network of nonprofits bankrolling liberal and progressive causes, kept collecting and spending in the months leading up to the November midterms.

But beyond the overall figure these dark-money groups amassed, the tax filings show that a handful of well-funded liberal groups have channeled hundreds of millions of dollars into crucial ground-game efforts, such as voter registration drives in minority communities and final get-out-the-vote efforts.

The GOP and government operatives don’t seem to care about where the money going to the corrupt Democrat Party is coming from – for all we know it could be coming from China.

TGP reported in December that millions of dollars are funnelled into Democrat elections from voter mules.  We have no idea where this money is coming from either.

EXCLUSIVE: “Campaign Finance Mules” Identified in Georgia Senate Race – Democrat Raphael Warnock Received Over $24 Million from Hundreds of UNEMPLOYED Donors Giving Over 358,000 Donations

It’s time to get to the bottom of who is funding the corrupt Democrat party. 

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